The reincarnated soul- Theinkwell fiction prompt #121


Amber was walking home from work when she noticed a familiar face across the street, she looked at the face again and realized it was her but how is that possible ?? She started shivering and cold sweat filled her body, she took a deep breath and moved closer. When the figure saw her she started running, Amber was confused but summoned up courage and chased after her yelling her name..

“ Tracy !!! Hey, Tracy stop, it's me Amber!!!.

Amber continued running after her till they got to a white house and Tracy entered inside and closed the door. Amber stopped to catch her breath then knocked on the door, she knocked four times before a middle aged man opened the door.

“ Good afternoon miss, how can i help you ?? The man asked.

“ Please am looking for a lady, she just entered into this house now, i
wanted to talk to her but she ran away so i followed her here, she just entered now. Amber said to the man.

The man stared at Amber for a while as if he was trying to figure out if she's a sane person. Luckily for her she was still wearing her office clothes.

“ Maybe you missed her, she might have entered into our neighbors house and nobody entered this house now, i am the only person at home”, the man stated still having his doubts about her.

They argued for a while before Amber decided to describe her and showed him Tracy's picture on her phone.

“This is Tracy, my little sister she died five years ago and i was shocked to see her here”. Amber said still showing him the picture.

“That's Juliet my wife, she left for work few minutes ago and how did you get her picture ? What do you want with her ? Who's Tracy ?

James the middle aged man asked confused, Amber introduced herself properly and he let her come into the house, she rushed in and started searching everywhere James joined in the search just to make sure nobody broke into the house.

Nobody else was in the house, they both sat down and Amber explained how Tracy died. Tracy had a brief illness and passed away five years ago, after her burial Amber decided to move to another country and start a new life, she was beyond shocked when she saw Tracy that afternoon. James revealed that he dated Juliet for a month before marrying her on April 14th last five years, the same day Tracy was
buried. James both concluded that Juliet might be Tracy's lookalike, but Amber wasn't satisfied she asked James some personal questions regarding her sister, the scar she got from an accident when they were little, the mole on her thighs, and many other questions which James answered correctly. Both of them sat in complete silent for several minutes before Amber contacted her parents and told them what was happening, they hesitated before rushing to book the next available flight to come see her. They dug Tracy's grave just to be sure and they saw her decayed bones so who was the lady Amber saw ???.

Amber and James waited for Juliet to return from work but she didn't, they called her office but nobody had seen her. They searched around and contacted the police but nobody had seen her. She just disappeared after seeing Amber...

“ I have heard about reincarnation and i think her soul must have reincarnated, she wants to continue living her life but as a different personality, she's probably looking for another place where nobody
can recognize her to start her life again”, One of the policemen said.

“Reincarnation ?? Does it really
exist ? What if it was just a mere
coincidence ?? But why did she
disappear after seeing Amber ????

As these questions clouded James mind as he became more depressed and scared, he had been living and interacting with a reincarnated soul for five years !!.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months still no sign of Tracy nor Juliet, though some people claimed to have spotted her in a distant country.


The End.

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