To save a Kingdom.


“No, I am sure it will happen, my visions do not lie. We have to prepare the war is inevitable, there is only one way out, our kingdom has just one shot at winning, or we will all become scattered about without a home.”

Funke’s grandma starred at her with strong determination in her eyes when she said “then we will take the one way out, we would save our kingdom. Come we must go and see the king”.

We arrive at the palace where preparations for the upcoming ball is underway and the place is bustling with courtiers going about their usual day without a care in the world, some are gathered in the corner trading stories, which is more of a gossip. After making our request to see the king with one of the guards, me and my grandma huddle in the corner looking ever so out of place even when our family is one of the nobles in the kingdom, as we a related to the king. A few minutes later the guard comes back out and ask takes us inside. King Miron looking so majestic as always in his perfectly tailored turtleneck black green suit says “Funke, how nice of you and your grandma to join us here, you see our ball is coming up soon and it will also be a wonderful match making day”. I just roll my eyes and reply “good for you King Miron, but that is not what brought us to the palace. Can I speak to you in private?

“Ah yes” he says and stands, leading us to his private study room. When we get there he takes a sit and ask for me to go on with what I have to say. “Miron” I start to say “you know that I sometimes get this visions and that I am always right, I fear that the kingdom of Owa, would attack us during the ball, this is what I have seen this time. We have to send a spy to infiltrate their kingdom and know fully the plan and also do what is necessary to stop the war”.

King Midas in thought for a few minutes before he responds “you will go Funke, you will be sent as an ambassador, while you are there get to the root of this and solve it”.

After a long discussion with the king, me and my grandma leave the palace and head home. The next day I begin my travels to the kingdom of Owa. I get there when the sun has gone down and stars have shown in the sky above and I am giving a warm welcome. I see the king in the morning, he isn’t what I expected, breathtakingly handsome with a dark aura. I learn his name is Aaron. I keep staring at him while he addresses his court and he looks my way and smirk without saying anything to me.

While walking around the palace, claiming to sightsee I keep my ears down picking every discussion and gossip and still I have gotten nothing about the attack on my kingdom.

Night falls and yet the king has said nothing to me, like my presence there is of no consequence. I creep out of my door at night and go towards their war and planning room, while I am inside sniffing through files and plans, I hear the door open and quickly hide. The prince enters at the other end of the desk, he shuffles through paper and says “you know I can tell you’re in here right” I freeze and slowly come out of my hiding spot and he continues “what does the ambassador of Afin want, sniffing through my kingdoms plans” then he looks up at me with that piercing gaze and I flush saying the first thing that come to mind “why do you wish to attack my kingdom” he blinks confused as he says “I do not wish to attack your kingdom, for what reason would I do that”. An angry scowl covers my face when I push a particular paper to him “then what is this war plan about” he sighs and say “I am attacking the kingdom in the east they have encroached some of my lands and have been doing so to others, it is time they are stopped”. A bigger blush creeps from my neck to my face as I realize I have had it wrong all along,i quickly apologize and he goes on to narrate his plans, before stopping and looking me I the eye wondering aloud “why am I so free to tell you all this, do you feel it too”.

And yes I do feel the sweet tension in the air between us, the attraction. Although my vision might have not been entirely accurate and my visit here might not have done exactly what I wanted, it brought me something else, this feelings I am overly willing to explore.

I offer my kingdom support to King Aaron’s cause and send a missive to my king. We proceed from there.

The end!

Thanks for coming this far

inspired by the inkwell prompt 101 Vision

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