The diary of his remnants

The Editor-in-Chief was ranting at all the writers who hadn't submitted their stories for the upcoming publication as he sat at the very rear of the white, marble table with plenty of perspiration flowing down his forehead. Young author Kevin has yet to complete the assignment of submitting an exhilarating, breathtaking horror fiction. After being called out, his hands began to tremble, and he bit his lip out of humiliation. They had two days to plan, compose, and submit the story, failing which they would receive a warning. The meeting has been resolved, the editors are congregating together in the little space, and Kevin left right away.

An image edited in Canva. The original image was from Unsplash by Tim Foster.

With his eyes closed and his thoughts screaming for ideas, he clutched as hard as he could. He hasn't submitted anything yet since he lacks creativity and a compelling plot to wow the editors. When Karl, his older brother, entered his room, he was on the verge of passing out from his overwhelming disappointment and shame. “Kevin, please remember to pick me up at the Shawana warehouse at midnight tonight, okay?” Kevin didn't say anything, but he heard what his older brother had said. “I hope you heard me.” Karl slammed the pillow cover back on his brother's face after pulling it over his face. “Ouch! Okay, I heard you, you know.” You don't have to keep reminding me, he snapped angrily, fixing his hair.

The full moon dominates the never-ending grandeur of the darkness as the king sun sets in the west. On his wooden table, Kevin sat uneasily as he closed the book in his hands and gazed out his window. His galaxy-like decorations on the walls are beautifully reflected by the moonlight as it filters through the window glass. “Such a beautiful and bright night,” he exclaimed. It's time to leave the house to pick up his brother, so the alarm clock on his old desk next to his bed loudly chirps. Once he had the keys, he set off for the Shawana warehouse, which was 20 kilometers from his house.

The image was from Unsplash by Tuomo Schurman.

Four orange lights that were horizontally aligned and flashing, as well as the old, rusted walls that were covered in graffiti, all contributed to the frightening mood. He made several phone calls to his brother but never received a response. When he had done jotting down notes, his patience had dramatically worn thin, and he made an attempt to sneak out the door because he loved the things he was seeing and thought they would provide the ideal backdrop for his story. Unexpectedly, it wasn't locked, so he could enter without difficulty. The cramped areas were illuminated by a turbulent layer of brown boxes coated in plastic that had been fitted into warehouse pallets. Carts and trolleys were dispersed everywhere, but he had not located any people inside, especially not anyone he knew, particularly his brother.

He continued to circumnavigate the area where the things were being sorted before being packaged into delivery boxes. When his phone rang, he thought his brother had texted him to let him know where he was, but to his dismay, the battery life was just 10%. Before you make a right turn into the main office, a shadowy human figure passes by at the end of the hallway. He pursued the shadow because he was confident he could find the folks and ask them where they were. The distance between them grew larger the more he pursued it until he found himself in the wrong location. In front of him was a metallic yellow door with the words "Do not enter!" written on it.

The image was from Unsplash by UN Liu.

Seeing the shadow-figure enter, he entered without hesitation. As he carefully turned the doorknob clockwise, an unpleasant fragrance caused him to puke. He discovered the warehouse's other side. He had not yet discovered the source of the awful smell; hundreds of boulders and old tools were heaped up, old tables and carts were scattered around, and the area was practically abandoned. Then, he heard a rustling near to a decaying pole on the left side of the chamber. The rusty chains frightened three huge rats, who fled.

His eyes burst open in heated tears, and he covered his mouth to hide his shock. His face was painted with conflicting emotions, and it was impossible to tell who he was. He was completely shaken by the statements that were inscribed on the walls. “Please help me! Get the book hidden within the hole.” He tried to reach the book inside, stretched his right arm, and waited until his left cheek met the ground. It was an ancient, soiled, yet vibrant diary volume. “Got you!” The paper was a little damp, but the words were still legible. He opened the cover and began reading the diaries right away. What he read from it was a terrible and passionate account of a young man who had formerly worked in an old house that belonged to a powerful family. Some untold tales of the family that formerly resided here, including the reason the mansion was sold and purchased by the Shawana warehouse construction family.

A powerful earthquake that struck the residence 50 years ago caused the young man's death in an accident. That same day, he was buried in the very bottom of the storage space. This young man wanted to be officially interred with a blessing, which is why the ghost story that was going about the Shawana warehouse was about him. The young man was on the brink of losing his breath, he finally did hide the tiny box in the treasury next to him where he locked the journal. Kevin was taken aback by what he discovered; a story that nearly gave him a heart attack, and he felt a chill down his spine as if someone was hugging him in gratitude.

The image was from Unsplash by Caesar Aldhela.

Without his brother, he exited the warehouse, carrying the diary. When he arrived home, the moonlight shone brightly at midnight, igniting a fresh warmth in his heart. He was astonished to see his brother watching football when he discovered him at home. His brother was sorry, but he wasn't interested in him just now. He immediately went to his room, started writing the information, and finished the first draft in less than two hours. He proceeded to the police station the following morning and reported the young man who had been buried fifty years previously. The owner of the Shawana warehouse made arrangements for a respectable burial after discovering the body's remains, which appeared to have been preserved over time. Kevin, on the other hand, was able to give his boss his entry story. Later, he learned that his story had been shortlisted as the horror category's hottest new narrative.

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