Silent Plot

Art Guzman
Silent Plot

"The only way to end this is if it hadn't started at all. Our soldiers keep dying at the fronts and the only thing he does is tell us to send in more men." The Major General of the army said.

"To him, the death of one million men doesn't mean anything, but what about the people he's made fatherless, and those who wouldn't have husbands come Christmas." The Inspector General of the police said angrily.

"We have to do something. Failure to act would lead to the deaths of many more soldiers and civilians." Colonel Redfern said.

"And who knows, even our lives may be on the edge." He added.

"What do you suggest we do?" The Major General asked the Colonel.

"In regards to what to do, I think we all know. No one needs to play dumb here. The last time our country had a war with many casualties, we took action and without that action, we wouldn't have the part of the country we possess now." The Colonel said.

Everyone had the same thing on their minds to make a treaty that would only last for a few months and then join forces with other countries to defeat our enemy.

The only obstacle in our way was that the President wouldn't give his assent to this and if we did this, we were on our own.

"The only way to do this is with the President's assent and he would never make this kind of treaty, not even if his life is at stake." The Inspector General said.

"Look, if we do this; the people will support us and in the long run, we'll get back our country." The Colonel said.

The Council kept on deliberating on what to do and at last, they all came to a decision. The President would be assassinated on the battlefield and they would sign a treaty with the enemy country and after a few months, we join forces with a stronger country and defeat our enemy.

The decision of the Council seemed like the best thing that had ever been done. Little did they know what the President had brewing for them.

The President of the country knew that the Council members would turn their backs on him so he was already well prepared. He had spies all over and could detect and defend himself from whatever they were planning.

He would not follow in the footsteps of the President before him and allow himself to be eliminated.

He would fight with his army and keep his country's territory. He would not be biased and make a fake treaty with the enemy country. He was going to fight till his last breath to defend his country.

The Council made plans towards assassinating the President and making a false treaty that would be sent to the enemy country.

The President went into hiding and when the assassin that was sent to assassinate the President couldn't find him, he sent news to the Council that the President couldn't be found.

The Council was disturbed over the disappearance of the President but they continued with their plan of sending a treaty to the enemy country.

Messengers were told to take the message of the treaty to the enemy country. On their way, the messengers were intercepted by the President's men and were given another message.

The war had weakened the economy of the enemy country and therefore, the President told the messengers to take a message to the enemy country stating that their country wanted to make an alliance with the enemy country on the condition that after the President's country had helped the enemy country with their economy, they would always give the President's country sixty percent of what they got every year.

Due to the devastating effect of the war on the enemy country, it had no choice but to agree to the President's terms. The enemy country surrendered its arms and when the President was sure that the war had ended, he sacked all the Council members and went back to his country's capital.

He would rule his country well and make a legacy so that leaders would want to follow in his footsteps at all times.

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