Nurse Ozichukwu

Joshua McKnight

Right in the village of Amakala, there lived a couple who was seen to be the richest due to the number of farmlands they had. The villagers can only see the richest with the investment they have which would be according to the number of farmlands acquired, the kinds of produce planted in those farmlands and the likes. According to their recent rating, this couple is the richest and has been on the top of the list for so many years now.

They are rich but lack something which can make them the best in whatever they do. They do not have a child and this has been giving them lots of concern. They love getting closer to children since they were not able to give birth. They have gone to many places such as the native doctors and have done some rituals and yet, no sign of giving birth to a child. After years of trying, they gave up the dream of giving birth to a child and instead focused on training other people's children in the village.

They had Ozichukwu as their adopted child. This was a female child which they loved and cherished so much. Ozichukwu was a brilliant child who did well in her village school. Mr Ojo and his wife do not joke with her and would do anything in their power to attend to her and other children in the community.

It got to the extent of organizing a Saturday outing for the kids in the land of Amakala. This made the whole people of the land know them with their kindness.

Yams, plantains and garri (cassava flakes) as well as vegetables are the things they deal with and planted on their farms. This made them known and famous all over the land and to the other Communities around.

Mr Ojo never for once allowed Ozichukwu to follow them to the farm as she has been known to be the upcoming savior red of their land. Her dream was to become a nurse.

Ozichukwu wanted to make her parents happy and decided to go to the farm on her own just to weed some grasses and also to be out of the house for some hours. Whereas she did not know the direction to the farm. She only guessed the direction, but after some time, things became worse for her right on the farm as she managed to trace her father's farmland. She was just nine years of age.

It was night and no one had seen her and they began the search just to find her but all to no avail. This made the couple, Mr and Mrs Ojo, sick. Mrs Ojo got a heart attack and could no longer live to see the next day. She died leaving her husband behind. This was as a result of losing Ozichukwu who they loved dearly. They never ask her to go out and do not know where she went.

Ozichukwu has far gone to a town which she knew less of. She began to roam about until she was saved by a woman. This woman does not have a child but was rich and famous. Ozichukwu was not able to tell where she came from and who her parents were as she had been in shock after losing her way to this strange land. The woman had to take care of Ozichukwu just for her to achieve her dreams since she had nowhere to go and no family.

The woman, Mrs Ugo, who lost her husband during the second world war, had to register Ozichukwu in the village primary school. She started from primary three and since it was discovered that she was the brilliant type, she gained triple promotion which made her accelerate to primary six. Her kind of brain was beyond imagination and everybody's doubts. She became the talk of the Town as her brilliancy knows no mates. As she proceeded to the higher class. She was the one leading the class. She took her school to the Federal level in a competition which was organized by the government. She was given a scholarship and had a lifelong sponsorship in all her educational careers.

Mrs Ugo had not for once regretted the fact that she saw Ozichukwu as she had made her proud.

Ozichukwu was 18 when she became a young nurse in the community. This land had not for once produced a nurse and had not had any forms of graduates in any way, but Ozichukwu made it happen. She was later working in the finest hospital of her choice since she had a scholarship still running. She was sent abroad to forward her education to master's level which she later did and was the only woman in her Community to acquire this stage.

She was the only one who had the mind to carry out any form of operations without fear. She has been known all over the land and in the land beyond.

Mr Ojo, the famous farmer became sick and was taken to the general hospital just for treatment. He had to be operated on with his condition and no doctor could operate on him except if he would be taken to the nearest City called Ado. Ado city hospital had the facilities to treat him and operate him to the fullest.

Lying on the bed, a young nurse entered and began the operation process. She first introduced herself as Ozichukwu from Omu Community. Mr Ojo was shocked after hearing the name, Ozichukwu.

I had a daughter whose name was Ozichukwu, but one way got missed. We made a search team in the community and they were able to search through all the Communities and she was nowhere to be found. We searched for the villages whose names I do not know, and yet she was nowhere to be found. This was why I gave up the hope of my only daughter Ozichukwu. She was all we had and this caused my wife, her mother to have a heart attack but was not able to make it from this. Ozichukwu was shocked to hear this story as this was how she got lost. She could not know her way home since she was still little and so Mrs Ugo had to take care of her.

Tears began to roll down the chick of Ozichukwu as she was weeping seriously. She later told Mr Ojo…

I'm the girl who got lost on the farm. I'm your daughter you once cherished so much. I'm now thankful to Mrs Ugo who accepted me and made me who I'm today.

Ozichukwu and her father hugged each other and it was a happy moment for the two.

Ozichukwu got home after operating her father.

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