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The Lost Lineage — The Inkwells Prompt.

"Dr. Ken, you would have to submit a copy of your birth certificate to the ministry, to enable the fulfillment of the promise of His Excellency. With that and the other documents you're required to submit, the process can now commence." The director general of the ministry, Dr. Graham, said to Dr. Ken in a meeting in his office. "Alright doctor, let me see what I can do about the certificate, " Dr. Ken responds while taking his leave.

Dr. Ken had consulted the DG of the ministry that day to enquire about the delay in implementing the promise made to him by the governor of the state while hosting him for a dinner, for his great contributions in ensuring medical presence in some of the most inaccessible rural areas in the state. However, it was stated that the fulfilment of the governor's promise solely depends on his submission of his birth certificate — which he could not provide, as he has little knowledge about his place of birth.


Dr. Ken grew up all by himself, without any of his parents. He has no prior knowledge about any of his parents. He grew up in an orphanage. On asking about the whereabouts of his parents, he was told that he was found just outside the orphanage with a letter stating that he should be taken care of. As an adult he has tried to trace his parents but all his efforts are to no avail.

"What did the DG say?" His team asked him on getting to the office, "don't mind those people, they hinged it on my birth certificate, they said I must submit it, in order to kick start the process." He responded. Sensing how moody he was, his team tried cheering him up, as they decided to take some time off in the office. They went to the bar to have some drinks. "Hey boss! A member of his team calls him out. Are we still going ahead with the outreach at Adani Kingdom next week?" He asked. "Sure we must. I heard the people of Adani are prone to diabetes. We need not delay, as most of them are in dare need of medical attention." Ken replied.

It was already Sunday morning, Dr. Ken gathered his team as they commenced their journey to Adani Kingdom Adani is one of the villages that lacked the basic amenities of life, including roads, electricity, health care and others. The journey was a tough one, they had to push their car at some points due to the bad roads. "I can't believe that there's a place such as this in the state," John — a member of the team, said. " I am telling you. One can easily be misled by the development of the state capital." Another person responded. " Ummmm, the media can never talk about this type of area, as it would paint the governor black," Ken said as they continued with the journey.

They have finally arrived at Adani Kingdom. They were now led to the palace where the king lives. At the first sight of Ken and his crew, the king fidgeted, he saw the mark on Ken's forehead. Ken's face opened a wound he sustained as a young man a long time ago. He had a girlfriend — Janet, who was pregnant for him while he was in the city. However, he chased her away with the pregnancy on grounds that he cannot take care of her and the baby, as he could barely feed himself. Janet's step mom — who had always hated her, couldn't allow her to stay in their house, she sent Janet away.

"Your majesty," Ken said while interrupting his thoughts. "Yes my son, please sit down, sit..." He responded while taking his own seat. Ken introduced himself and his team, together with the reason for their visit. But it was obvious the king was attentive to what he had said. "Don't worry, you need to rest, the guard will show you where you and your team can stay and freshen up. Come back after you have taken your dinner, then we can discuss." The king said while calling on one of his guards to show them where to stay.

After dinner, Ken went to see the king. While speaking with the king, the king was so anxious to know about his background, especially the origin of the mark on his forehead. As they progressed, the king started telling Ken about his lost son — the one he has with Janet. It happened that the king later went back to find Janet after some years. And Janet told him that she had the child but she took him to the orphanage home, as she had no one to take care of him. However, she left a mark on the child's forehead, as a way of identification.

The king told Ken that Janet's description of the mark is just like the one he has on his forehead. It was hard to believe at first, but the DNA result they later took confirmed it. The famous Dr. Ken is the lost prince of Adani kingdom.

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