I'm troubled...


source edited with canva


Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! panting and waving at the same time running towards the coffee outlet, the vendor smiled at her and said “ running late to work eh” she nodded in agreement as she collected the disposable cup of coffee and handed him $5, she tapped his hands and whispered quietly keep the change she took off immediately sipping the coffee while walking down towards her office.

Eva had only met Jenson halfway close to her office that very morning, she spoke with him briefly and they both exchange contact and left with the hope to have dinner at night in the newly launched magnificent rooftop bar located at the end of the opposite alley, she already accepted the date offer but she feels it was too early because she doesn't even know him at all but his handsomeness sweeps her off her feet, the way he looks at me and talks breaches my defense wall as she recalls back to that precious moment.

She skipped those thoughts as she replied to a mail that kept chiming in her computer, she confronted Becky the secretary for an assistant which she rendered.


During lunchtime, Eva and her colleagues went to the restaurant to get some fries and chicken and they sprung up some girly discussion about their ex and also their experiences, with so many bad events shared from Bella and her ex who treats her like some sort of trash and also hits her, something Bella said gripped her, she told the girls how she loves him so deeply despite the humiliation and insults, Eva facial expressions turned awful which entails “ like seriously ” but it was inaudible she manages to smile to wave that discussion past her, she stretches her head to get the attention of the waiter for the bills.

Hours later, she shut her computer down and locked up her office walking down the stairs her phone beam forth light, and a notification popped up,

“Hey E, I was hoping I could drop you home. I am downstairs waiting for you, hop in! lot's of hearts❤️

she blushed while heading downstairs, she handed the keys to her office to the security officer in charge and left.

He was just waiting outside his red sports car rolling his right-hand first finger while the car keys sitting on it and jingling at the same time he stopped for a while when our eyes met each other's and my body just wanted him but he is just new to me, she said inaudibly as she rolled her eyes upwards mocking herself she smiled at him while he opened the car door, he inserts the disc into the car audio system and began driving slowly just as he navigated past a corner he speeds up and nods his head accordingly to the beat of the music then he smiled at me and said,

Hey, you good? he asked!
Yeah sure! Eva replied.

He reached for her jawline touching it gently. He asked about her day at work and they had this smooth conversation as if they have known each other for a long time. I was almost home she realized, Jenson packed the car in the parking lot and she agreed on time they should meet for dinner.

A few hours later, she is done and ready to go, she looked at herself in the mirror smiled, and said am beautiful! she did a three-sixty rotation to get a complete view of her body shape glued firmly to the short dress then she looked more closely to take a final glance at her makeup to make sure there's not a single imperfection, she sprayed her romantic body mist and went downstairs, she stayed confident driving to her destination.

On getting there, she walked into the bar and made her way straight to the round table. She gently pulled out the chair and sat down. She brought out her cell phone and texted him and he texted back...

“I'm here now E”...

But just as she turned her back she could sight Jenson with Bella her facial expressions and mood changed but it suddenly became impassive “ but what could she be doing here ” questions stirred up in her mind she breathed a sigh of relief when he sat down opposite her... after an introductory about themselves she asked him how he knew Bella, she was my ex E, he replied.


As the night went on, Eva kept pondering if this was Bella's ex who humiliated her and hit her too. She texted Bella and asked for his picture, not only that she sent the picture she also told her they met tonight which Eva knew about. She flashes back to the moment of smiling and romance that filled the atmosphere during dinner with Jenson but she had to cut it off with him because she wouldn't want to experience that.

It was almost midnight, Eva had thought of sending Jenson a message which would entail the memory of the dinner and a feedback message saying no to his proposal but she slept off while trying to compose the message.

She woke up to the lovely and romantic message from her wannabe lover, she slid upwards to make a sitting position on the bed as she moved her hair behind her ears, she smiled passionately and hurried up for work.

To her surprise, she met Jenson downstairs waiting to offer her a ride but she rejected it and told him to leave the premises, his state of dilemma made him drove away leaving Eva walking down to the office, during lunch Eva had sent the message she tried to compose last night, immediately another message popped up in the screen...

“ you don't have to do this E, we should sort this out after work ”

Eva looked at his message and halt for a while, deep down she was craving for him, meanwhile, she didn't want to end up with a wife-beater so she replied in a rush...

“ I have always admired you Jenson but in all honesty and sincerity I can't be with a woman beater ...am sorry ”

She left her mobile phone inside the locker after the last message she sent and commenced her usual activities in the office, unknowingly to her she had several missed calls from Jenson, as a normal routine during lunch Eva and her colleagues went to the restaurant to eat but she wasn't hungry she just had a burger with mustard cream while the rest had a proper meal, on a norm, conversations usually sprung up amidst them but today nothing she initiated a topic few replied reluctantly so she turned to Bella who was sitting next to her and smiled.

She got back to her office earlier because there's a conference meeting in the boardroom and everyone is expected to be in before it commences, she could feel herself been unhappy about the decision she took as she looks around smiling skeptically, Bella noticed but couldn't help to ask.


Eva got home, took a long bath came out with a wrapped towel around her body she reached for her bag and brought out her phone, she arched her brows staring at 15 missed calls and from whom huh, she asked herself while unlocking the phone it was Jenson, she thought about calling back and apologizing for missing all those calls when a lengthy and massive message came in, it is from Jenson, she opened it and it read...

“When you can’t fall asleep, you know you’re in love because reality is finally better than your dreams. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me. If you were in a movie, I’d watch you over and over again. In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you. Your smile is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say “Simply Amazing. You do a million little things that bring joy to my life. I know fairy tales come true because I have you. There are only two times that I want to be with you: Now and Forever. I can’t imagine life without you. Since the time I’ve met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder and smile all the more, just because I have you in my life. Sometimes I just think back to the first time I laid eyes on you. I knew right then that I had found someone incredible. Ever since that very moment, all I have ever wanted was to be with you. No matter how dark my day is, seeing you always brightens it and makes me realize that with you, I am doing right. Your heart is so pure and so forgiving that it will always be the center of my attention, no matter what else is going on in my life. I look forward to this day and many more just like it for you will forever be in my heart. You have gripped my soul with a ferocity reserved for a castaway clinging to a raft in the middle of the ocean. If my soul is the raft, it is your hold that keeps me afloat. Don’t ever let go. Whenever I am with you, it is like having my emotional batteries recharged with joy. I Love You… madly, sincerely, completely, and with no reservation, in a way that is blissfully wonderful my beautiful angel. Kisses

Little did she know that she had been crying when reading the love message, she felt love from him, she could read his heart, so beautiful but the question still remains...

“ would I love you endlessly and you still make me your punching bag? ”

She wasn't able to go to work!

.....story ends....


A fictional story consisting of major characters...

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