"The broken compass"

At the top of a lookout point, at the edge of the road, the silhouette of a man can be seen in the distance, so close to the cliff that anyone could say that this man is looking for a tragic end. But for those who know him, they know that it is Charlie, a man who every morning goes to that place in search of something that for years he has not been able to find, something that awakens the illusion of life in his heart.

Charlie is a man who, in spite of living so long, seems to be alone because of the inertia of time. His life lacks meaning and even good luck for those who are attached to fortune, and despite his many efforts to get a good job and be able to have a family, something for which he wants to occupy and dedicate himself, every morning he returns to the same viewpoint with empty hands, questioning the value and meaning of his existence.

He currently lives alone at his grandfather's house, who was his only guardian in the absence of his parents. With him he was able to share his childhood and part of his adolescence, so he keeps in his mind and in a photo album the most beautiful memories of his past. Some afternoons Charlie is seen sitting in front of the photo album, looking for the joy and inspiration that he shared with his grandfather.

One afternoon Charlie was looking through his grandfather's photos, and in one of them he found something that caught his attention. It was his grandfather's graduation, and although it was a photo Charlie had seen many times, this time he noticed something: in one hand his grandfather was holding his diploma, but in the other, very discreetly, he was carrying a compass. "What was my grandfather doing with a compass at his graduation ceremony?" was what Charlie thought, and so with a certain curiosity he decided to look through his grandfather's things saved to detail that little artifact.


Pixabay by dima_goroziya

After a thorough search in the attic, Charlie got what for him was a totally useless object, an old compass, broken but in one piece and incidentally without a needle, with a carved inscription that read "Looking for north". To Charlie this meant nothing, but in honor of his grandfather he decided to keep it. All night he wondered why his grandfather would treasure something that wasn't even useful, and with that reasoning he fell fast asleep until the ringing of the telephone shook his rest.

-Are you Charlie?" someone asked from the phone.

-Yes! He's the one you're talking to. Who do I have the pleasure of talking to? Charlie answered, still half asleep.

-We are calling you from "Horizonte" magazine. We've seen your resume around here and would like to interview you for a job. Could you be here in our office today?

-Of course, I'll be there," Charlie replied with excitement.

And after noting down the time and address, Charlie began to prepare for his work errand. In the draining excitement, Charlie felt confused for a moment, because despite having submitted many resumes in the last year, he didn't remember anything related to this magazine. Still, he didn't think much of it and headed for the job site.

Arriving at his destination, Charlie was immediately met by the secretary who quickly put him in touch with the head of the publishing house:

-Welcome friend Charlie! We are pleased that you have accepted our call for a job vacancy.

And Charlie, a bit surprised, just asked:

-What's the job about?-

-You will be in charge of receiving calls and messages about events and scoops. If the topic is usually as interesting as it is original, we will research it and present it in our magazine- said the boss with a great deal of animosity.

-It looks like a very easy job- whispered Charlie with some assurance.

And so after guidelines and instructions, Charlie was already in his office. A computer, the telephone, a notebook, telephone numbers, and the broken compass. Charlie decided to take it with him because after having found it, things in his life seemed to be taking a different direction.
That first morning of work went by very quietly, something that for Charlie was starting to become boring until again the ringing of the telephone signaled something interesting.

-Hello! Is this Horizon magazine? I have some amazing news for you.

-Good afternoon. Yes, it is indeed us. Tell me what the news is about...

-A very old ship has just arrived in the city's harbor.

At first Charlie didn't see it as such impressive news, so he asked:

-And why do you think that's such amazing news?

-Because the ship arrived without any crew.


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And after a few seconds of absolute silence, Charlie hung up the phone, because he thought it was a bad joke. He ignored all that and ended his working day thinking about something that for him was total nonsense, which in a couple of days would come out as a reality, and the scoop on the cover of another magazine. Charlie couldn't believe it, as he had the news of the year in his hands, and decided to simply ignore it instead of investigating.

Luckily for Charlie, no one found out that he had had the scoop on such information, although the frustration he held in his heart was evident. "Will I ever get another chance like that?" thought Charlie as he pondered the bad experiences he has had throughout his life due to his tendency to indecision. Perhaps the one he remembers most, is the one where he never told Claire how much he loved her. She was his classmate and friend for many years, but he never dared to confess his love to her, and more than ten years have passed without knowing anything about her.

In the middle of the talk of loves and memories Charlie was dreaming sitting in his office, and just at the sound of a phone call burst into the scene:

-Good morning, good morning! I want to share some impressive information

And to a desperate and strange request Charlie answered:

-Horizon Magazine, at your command. Tell us what's going on.

-I'm at the airport in the city and something incredible has just happened.

-Was there an accident?" asked Charlie with some urgency.

-No. That's not it. A plane with a large number of passengers just landed- and a silence fell in the middle of the call.

-And why all the surprise and amazement?- asked Charlie.

-Because this is a plane that had been reported missing for ten years-


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Shocked by such an event, Charlie was afraid, but then he took courage and decided to investigate the matter. He alerted all the employees and collaborators, who arrived at the airport to confirm the strange event. It was indeed true, and it immediately became an amazing news story worldwide, with the scoop of such an event for Horizonte magazine thanks to Charlie. The news of a mysterious flight brought Charlie's life the success and recognition it had never had before, and additionally it also brought him a very special gift.

In the days that followed, calls to Charlie's office abounded with successes and good wishes, auguring a prosperous career. With the day's work done, Charlie took his things to go home, putting his grandfather's broken compass in his shirt pocket. As he was about to leave, the phone rang once again, and although it was no longer office hours, Charlie decided to answer it:

-What can we do for you?

And a familiar voice answered:

-I'd like to talk to Charlie.

And suddenly and fleetingly he answered:

-Claire, is that you? and between laughter and voices, emotions crossed through that call.

-Where have you been all this time?- Charlie asked Claire.

-I took a flight that gave me enough time to think about the opportunity to be happy with you, something I didn't dare to tell you before".

And that became the perfect slogan for a story of happiness and love that was opening up in Charlie's life. Since that moment, now every morning, the silhouette of a man is still seen at the top of the lookout, but not with the lost expression of before, but with the security of a man who looks to the future with the best possible attitude, carrying in his hand a broken compass that seems to have adjusted the course of his life.


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