Lorena, the Writer...


Lorena was a girl who loved to write about everything she saw, she was a budding writer, she was on the way to transmit effectively what she was looking for inside herself to go out into the world, she knew that she needed to develop her style more, which was more towards writing for children as children's stories, but this did not prevent her from venturing into other genres of narrative as the novel, the fable ... she was willing to dabble in each. ... she was willing to explore each one, but while she was doing so, she tried to publish some of her children's stories, since she already had a collection of them and was looking for support from a publishing house.

But not being recognized, being a "beginner" and not having the support of anyone else but herself and her writing, she was finding it difficult to continue, she had received a lot of criticism and not exactly constructive, which instead of helping and encouraging her to continue, had demotivated her a little, by the way her economic situation did not help her much; her job as a waitress in a cafeteria, did not contribute much either to her imagination or to her pocket. These days, hopelessness was taking its toll on her, her muse had left her side, and she was leaving some corners of her mind that were filling with anxiety and sadness?

But one day when she dawned more cheerful, she took one of her manuscripts to the coffee shop to finish it in her downtime. She was sitting there, when she noticed that a mature woman was looking at her with insistence and curiosity, Lorena thought, "Surely she wants a service, where is the other waitress?", sighing, she got up and putting her best smile, she went to that woman to ask for her order; then the woman only asked her, what she was reading full of curiosity, Lorena surprised, answered with sincerity, that she was trying to finish a story she was writing, she told her that in her free time she liked to write.

The surprised woman invited her to sit down and asked to see her writing, if it was possible, Lorena, somewhat embarrassed, gave her the manuscript so she could see it, there was something in this woman that inspired her confidence. As she read it, her face became a poem, between astonishment, surprise, smiles and at the end almost tears. At this point the woman introduced herself as Clara Spencer, who turned out to be the editor of a small publishing house located in the same town; she began to give her some tips, writing advice and to correct a few things, but despite all these details, Clara was impressed by Lorena's ability to convey the feelings in such a pure and accurate way, that made the reader live her letters, moved to her story.

This was already a gain and a great point in her favor, it was, according to her, the main thing that a writer had to have, the gift of transmitting her thoughts, her feelings, her plot with such vividness that the reader felt part of her story and Lorena had it and she told her so, She put herself at the disposal of that kind and nice girl who, in spite of being obviously on her break, was ready to attend her with kindness and good disposition, and that told Clara that this girl deserved a guide, a help and she was ready to give it to her. Lorena could not believe her good luck, she had finally found a person who had taken the trouble to help her without making her feel bad or humiliating her.

This made her realize that not everyone in the world is a bad person or selfish, that there are also empathetic, nice people, who without any other interest than the willingness to help, help others by serving as a light on the way. Since that day, Lorena received Clara's tutelage and support for her writings; her muse returned even more radiant, dancing around her, with many colorful lights and joy to Lorena's life; since then, little by little, her goals in life were progressively given, until she became a great writer, recognized worldwide; all thanks to a good person who knew how to see in her how brilliant she was and who gave her an opportunity, sometimes we only need a little push...

This is my participation in The Ink Well Prompt #102 - Plus Weekly Challenge and Prize Announcement, I invite my friends @popurri and @evev to participate. Greetings!

Separators @eve66
Banner @brujita18
Story by me, @brujita18

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