Celia’s Examination.

Celia sat on her bed looking at how her roommates were dressing up to go write their examination. She has two roommates and they are Francisca and Rosemary.
Francisca noticed that Celia isn’t dressing up for school so they can write the examination nor even looks like she’s bothered about the examination.
Rosemary said to Celia, ”Celia, you can see that we are getting ready for school. If you don’t get up now, you will be late for the examination and you may not be allowed into the hall anymore so get up.”

Celia still did not give a response to what Rosemary said and the two girls left the room leaving Celia back at home.
When the got home, they decided to raise that conversation with Celia to know if there is a problem and how she can be helped.

”Celia, I noticed that your school activities have dropped and you’re no longer paying attention to it. Is there any problem?” Rosemary said to Celia.

”Well, it’s not really a problem. Its just that Mr Prince wants me to date him and if I don’t do so, he won’t let me pass the course so that’s why I didn’t even bother writing the examination,” Celia responded.


”Ahhhh, so what’s going to happen? You should have at least told us about it before,” Francisca said to Celia trying to think about what they can do.

”Do you think there will be a solution? We all know that we can’t report to the school authority because they won’t believe us and there is no proof,” Celia responded to her friend with a sad face showing that she already gave up on the issue.

”This is a very big issue ooh. Well, I’d text the school president to know if there is a way he can help us out,” Rosemary said that while trying to dial her boyfriend’s line immediately but he wasn’t picking up.

The next day, Rosemary, Francisca and Rosemary’s boyfriend began to make moves on how this issue can be resolved or maybe try a way to find a proof that Mr Prince is trying to woo Celia and even told her that he won’t let her pass his course if she does not agree to date him.
They all had a solid plan and decided to use Celia to catch Mr Prince since she’s the one he is trying to woo.
That night, they already sketched out a very nice plan and how they can catch Mr Prince red handed.
When they all got to school on the next day and wanted to carry out the plan, they find out that Mr Prince was not in school but their minds were at rest since they knew he will still come to school.
They all waited through the day but Mr Prince didn’t show up. The shifted the plan to the next Tuesday since it was sure that Mr Prince comes to school on Tuesdays.

On the next Tuesday, they all were getting set to go to Mr Prince’s office when Celia told them all to wait that she had a confession.

”Eh, confession? What’s it about?” Rosemary asked Celia.

”Uhm, I wouldn’t want you guys to get angry at me. I know I lied to you all,” Celia said while trying to cover her face as she could not look directly into the eyes of the friends.

”Can you just talk? We’re getting late for the deal,” Francisca responded in a very harsh voice.

”I want you all to know that Mr Prince isn’t wooing me. I mistakenly spent my school fee and I don’t have enough money to pay it up. If you notice, I haven’t been writing any of these examinations and not just Mr Prince’s alone,” Celia said to her friends.

Ahhhhh the two girls shouted in shock and even wondered why Celia lied to them against Mr Prince.

”So why are you pretending about your problem?” Francisca asked.

”I didn’t know how to tell you that I spent my school fee on club drinks,” Celia responded while feeling very guilty about her actions.

Her friends were short of words and didn’t know what to say. Finally, they all helped her source for money even though Celia acted like there is no elephant in the room but they helped her because they all were good friends.


In the next semester, Celia wrote all the previous examinations she missed and she was able to pass them all.

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