

It's been six years since Ashley's been abroad studying. In those six years she got married to Raymond and when they graduated, they both returned to Ashley's home. Being that Ashley's father is a wealthy billionaire with lots of company, Ashley felt it will be a soft landing for her and Raymond to start up their life after school.

Raymond had his reservations as he would have preferred they both remained abroad and started up their life there. Both couples arrived at the Gabriel mansion.

Ashley's father Gabriel and her sister Rachael were already outside the house in the compound, waiting to receive them. Rachael had a lot of smiles on her face and was all giggling. Gabriel on the other hand, wasn't all that pleased after Rachael came back with a background check on Raymond.

He was visibly bearing a grudge and when Raymond extended his hand for a handshake, he snubbed him.

Still maintaining his position, he fired at Ashley, just before she could let go of Rachael in their tight embrace.

"When you told me that you were bringing a husband home, I expected one of the wealthiest bachelors in the city. Or at least one from a reputable home, a prestigious family and of riches too. Instead, you brought home a golddigger who will bring this family nothing but disgrace."

"Dad, stop! That's enough, I mean you just met this guy yet you judge him so harshly. Mom won't be pleased"

"To hell with you Rachael, six solid years, I invested my time, my money and even my life in your sister's education abroad. All for what? She couldn't even secure a middle class man at least. All my money, my resources wasted! And you tell me what? Your mother won't be pleased? To hell with all of you! Nonsense!" Gabriel stormed out, slamming the door after him.

In a bit of awkwardness, Rachael approached Ashley and her husband Raymond, who were mortified by Gabriel's reception.

Wiping the drop of tear in her right eye, Ashley faked a smile, then extended her right hand to her husband Raymond. Slowly, Raymond held on to Ashley's hand, with Ashley opening the door with her left hand, letting both her and Raymond into the mansion.

Rachael, having stood briefly outside trying to come to terms with all that just happened, called on the help to bring in Ashley's bag and that of her husband.

It was dinner time and what ought to be an atmosphere of joy was gloomy, Gabriel had not joined in for dinner because he was still upset, Rachael being the eldest child and the family unifier since the demise of their mom tried to make Ashley and her husband feel at home.

"Dad is not joining us for dinner?" Ashley questioned
while having a seat on the chair Raymond has brought out for her.

"Oh he ate quite a lot before your arrival and is currently in a virtual meeting. He said we should go on without him since y'all are exhausted from your long trip". Rachael cleared her throat, which signified that she lied.

After dinner, Rachael approached her father but before she could say anything Gabriel quickly cuts in, "if you are here to solicit on behalf of your sister, it will do you a lot of good to retire to your room right now."

"Dad don't be like this, Ashley is an adult, she's old enough to know what's good for her. Just give her your blessings please. It's what mom would want".

"Rachael, if you mention your mother one more time in this matter, I will be very cross with you. Your mother might have had a soft heart, but she won't want any of you to experience poverty. So please respect her memory." Gabriel warned sternly.

"But dad we aren't poor, Gabriel is a big name.... So what if Ashley fell in love with an Orphan abroad? At least he's educated, not to mention intelligent too. Him and Ashley graduated the top of their class, dad, let go of your ego and see that this boy is actually useful and could be the son you never had."

"Did I ever mention to you that I needed a son Rachael? Or had any regrets having you girls?" Gabriel fired with an undertone of anger.

"Oh come on dad, you know exactly what I'm trying to say, just give the boy a chance will you?"

Seeing that Rachael is not backing down, Gabriel took in several deep breaths and asked Rachael to retire for the night, promising to think about all that she said. Rachael on her part gave her father a peck and bid him good night.

As the world slept, Gabriel pondered. He kept turning from side to side, groaning in frustration. At a point he paused in the middle of his bed facing the ceiling as he spoke to himself. It was a tough decision for Gabriel, he wondered how he would face his friends if they found out that his son inlaw is a nobody. He thought about how he would save face from the press. "My enemies would laugh at me." Gabriel said out loud, forcefully raising his upper body from the bed.

He continued, "I should act fast, I mean, the deed has already been done and Rachael does have a point, I'll see how useful he can be and try to polish him as best as I can." With the self consolation Gabriel managed to get some sleep but barely got a shut eye as morning came quickly.

It was breakfast time and everyone was seated including Gabriel. Half way into their meal, he picked up a teaspoon and hit it severely on his wine glass for attention. After gaining their attention, Gabriel informs Ashley and Raymond that they will be joining his company and work starts immediately.

Not a news the couple was expecting to hear since their first encounter with Gabriel didn't end well, they however managed to show their appreciation.

"Oh do not thank me, thank Rachael. Left for me, you both would have been out on the street." Gabriel fired at the couple just when they were starting to feel comfortable. He excused himself and headed out for work with Rachael running behind.

Ashely and Raymond also left the dinning, got dressed and resumed at the office.


It's been several months since the couple joined Gabe Enterprise and Raymond was topping the chart winning employee of the month twice in a row. Gabriel soon became fond of him and gradually he became more accommodating towards Raymond. He started entrusting Raymond with some important official documents and started carrying him along to some of his meetings. Soon, Raymond replaced Rachael in most of Gabriel's official outings and meetings.

Everything was going on well with the family till funds started disappearing mysteriously from the company's account. Of course the first suspect was Raymond and when Gabriel raised an alarm in their private board meeting, Rachael insinuated Raymond be brought in for questioning since he's the new person to the organization and now has sensitive company information.

"Raymond might be new, but you are all suspects", Gabriel said to the disappointment of Rachael who was gradually becoming envious of Raymond.

Soon, word of the theft got out and while all accusing fingers pointed at Raymond, Gabriel still had his reservations especially since Raymond had proved himself and the CCTV at the office hadn't captured anything.

As much as Gabriel wanted to ignore the theft, it became a recurrent activity which got him worried. One day, while Gabriel was watching the news in the privacy of his study, a security advert came on. The advert contained a spy camera that would hardly be noticeable in a room.

Quickly, Gabriel placed an order for it from his private account. When the cameras came, he had to fake a fumigation for all his company and during the exercise, had the cameras installed. With the cameras up in every office, he was confident the thief would be caught in no time and he was right.

Two weeks after installing the camera, the biggest heist happened. Gabriel had a safe underneath his office he was sure no one knew about. In that safe, he kept all his office and business documents.

To his utmost surprise, he resumed work that morning only to find his office burgled and all his documents gone. Everyone murmured and wondered who would have done such a thing.

Gabriel panicked but when he remembered the spy camera he had installed earlier, he became calm and invited the police. The whole building was sealed and all employees including Raymond, Ashley and Rachael were seated.

The projector was rolled in and Gabriel picked up the camera where he had kept it and connected it. As it played, everyone murmured and watched in anticipation. Raymond, feeling a pressing urge to urinate, wanted to excuse himself but was denied. Ashley panicked, "what if Raymond was the culprit she thought. What if her father was right about him?"

The video recording played for a while with no one in it and everyone was getting bored. Soon, they started hearing disguised voices from the video recording and two figures walked in, a man and a woman.

Immediately, all eyes were on Ashley and Raymond who by now were already sweating even while under the AC. The police were already advancing towards them when the female figure took off her mask saying, "why do we need to wear disguises when all the CCTV has been tampered with. The man with her also removed his own mask in support as he revealed the mask itch and was making him uncomfortable.

The moment they placed the dynamite to blow up the safe, they ran for cover revealing their faces, immediately their faces were revealed, Gabriel paused the video and everyone was shocked to see it was Rachael and the company's accountant stealing from Mr Gabriel.

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