What a disgrace!

Amanda is a very beautiful girl but unfortunately she doesn't know how to cook good meals and according to culture and tradition anyone that doesn't know how to cook good meals can never make a good wife.

How it all started

Amanda's mother is one of the best cook among her cow wives how come Amanda doesn't know how to cook?
Amanda never loved the kitchen right from small and the parents saw no reason to address the issue, as she grew up it became worse and the parents never talked about it, even when she got to the stage that she be assisting the mother, she never cared and no one talked about it.

Amanda's bad behavior was like a big elephant in the room and no one care to talk about it till it became so bad.

While Amanda was growing up to a younger she will never participate in cooking, she will always be in the parlor watching movies, even when the father works in he sees nothing wrong about what Amanda was doing.

Amanda's aunt come visiting and noticed this part behavior and she called Amanda's mom attention to it and let her know that it will be very difficult for Amanda to know how to put things together when she get to the stage of managing her on home.

But Amanda's mom and Dad never saw the need of talking about it, maybe they were scared that Amanda will get angry because she was the only girl they had or they felt that there is nothing wrong with what Amanda was doing.

In fact it cost a lot of issue between Amanda's aunt and Amanda's mom, Amanda's mom said that when it's time she will know how to do every house chores including cooking, the aunt left them with the way they want to train their child.
Unfortunately she never learned instead she became like worse .

Like I said Amanda is a beautiful girl and he attracted a handsome rich man that has so many business partner that visit his home especially on weekends.

Amanda's husband never knew that Amanda doesn't know how to cook good meals till the day she brought disgrace to both her family and her husband.

Amanda's husband wasn't expecting such disappointment because when seeking Amanda's hand in marriage he always ate Good food at Amanda's house so he was convinced that Amanda will be a very good cook but he was disappointed.

So sad.

Sadly one faithful weekend Amanda's husband told Amanda that some business partner will be coming over to have a business talk so she was asked to prepare ogbono soup (draw soup), she was giving a very good amount of money to buy food stuffs for the cooking.

When Amanda get to the market she didn't know what to buy because she has never been to the market for the first time so she asked questions and bought the little she can.
When it was time to cook she doesn't know what to add first and how to prepare the meal, finally she was done and she served the food to the business partners of her husband.

It was so shameful that a rich man do you have a wife who can cook good food she was just physically beautiful for nothing

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