His Aphrodite

"Honey!!!! I'm home!!!!" A very excited Annita came dashing into their shared bedroom, shopping bag in hand. "Hank? baby? where are you?" She glanced around the small space, and as soon as she found her husband in his usual reaading spot, she gleeefully sauntered over to him, showing him the bag in her hands.

"Oh, what have you got there?" Hank looks over his book to see a small bag dangling over his head.

"I bought a little something from the boutique near the office," A wide grin spread across her lips as she drew the bag to her again. "Do you maybe... want to see me in it?" She had always been bashful when it came to showing her husband things, anddespite having done so on multiple occassions already, there was always something with him watching her dress up that excited her.

"I do. But before you do that," It was hank's turn to grin as he pulled Annita on his lap. The book he had was simply thrown to the bed in favor of a bit of loving from his wife. "Where's my kiss?" He said, playfully puckering his lips at her.

She resisted at first, already wanting to try on the mini dress she had bought. But when a pair of lips started attacking her neck and cheek, she yielded and offered a very quick peck before hank finally released her.

"Now can I try this on?" She raised the bag high enough to cover her lips when he prompted for more kisses.

"Fine, fine, but I want more kisses when you're done" he mused before he reluctantly let her go.

Once the arms that held her to hank's lap finally loosened, she grabbed the bag and rushed to the bathroom where she peeked her head out and told him sternly "no peeking!"

He was saddened, but after 3 years of marriage, he was just happy to ee that she hasn't changed one bit. Although... he wouldn't complain if she suddenly got bolder and started changing in front of him. Now that would make their married life a lot more interesting... and it would probably make getting out of bed harder to do than it already was. But before his thoughts could trail off to any more indecencies, the bathroom door creaked open and a disappointed Annita walked into the room.

"The dress doesn't look good on me" She whined as she faced the full body mirror in their closet.

Contrary to her thoughts though, hank couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of her. the fabric seemed to hug her figure quite nicely andfor whatever magic that dress had, it seemed to make her bossoms seem much more appetizing than the usual dresses she had in her closet. "What are you saying, you look beautiful in that dress!" he exclaimed as he walked over to his wife.

"Look at these though" She gestured to the rolls on her belly.They weren't in their 20s anymore and she knew that yet she still hoped that her body's age would slow down for a bit, just to accomodate this dress.

"All I can see is how beautiful you look in that dress" He stated fondly as his arms wrapped around her waist "And how you're evry bit as seductive as the day we met"

"I'm serious though, I think I'm getting fat with how big these belly rolls are" She whined in protest yet she still leaned back into his comforting embrace.

"Well, we're not getting any younger"

"You're not helping" She says with a pout "I should take this off and take it back to the store for something more ftting of my age"he could tell she was upset with what he said, and that compelled him to hold her tighter.

"Hey, do you remember the statue I was showing you for work? The one we were going to put in the museum?"

She gave a light shrug "You show me a lot of statues though" She said a matter of factly.

"Wait," he heaved a sigh and fished his phoen out of his pocket, scrolling through photo after photo until he found the one he was referrring to "This one!"


Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/Dp0P2EfUsm8?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink

He gleefully showed her the statue "Look at her tummy" he pointed out.

"She's fat like me" She whined out "are you making fun of me?!" She said with a huff and tried to get out of his hold.

"No!!! honey, here me out on this one! She's aphrodite!" he whined and held her closer to him "I told you about her, remember?"

"Tell me about her again and why another girl is even part of this conversation" She was getting angry yet she did know of aphrodite, she just wanted to figure out why the topic was even relevant.

"Because in her time, she was the most beautiful woman in the world yet she still has rolls on her tummy." he pointed out again, even zooming on the picture "And you're the most beautiful woman in my eyes. You're my aphrodite. And rolls or no rolls, you'll always be goddess level beautiful to me so don't be upset about a dress not fitting right, it's just a dress"

She glanced up at him and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek "You're such a nerd" she says lovingly before shifting in his arms to face him "But you're the nerd I love and married"

So this was my take for @theinkwell prompt for week 81
And the prompt word was "rolls"
And I was thinking of bread first, but then my sister said that tummy fats is called belly rolls too so I went with that. I hope I didn't violate anything in the guidelines (.////.) I had to look through that a lot of times before I started on this piece. Thank you for reading!

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