What Sorcery Is This?

Photo On Pexel by Erik

Panting and sweating, the children ran through the woods, sweats can be seen dropping off the body of the three friends, Naomi, Julian, and Natasha, but they never stopped running.

A twig caught Naomi's leg and she fell straight flat on the muddy floor as it rained a day earlier, her friends had turned back to pick her up, running side by side not to be caught by the thousands of feet that echoed behind them.

They ran across the woods, the presence of the moon not found but the stars were there guiding them through the night.

Running as fast as they can they came out to the open but they were stuck by what they saw, unmoving with their eyes widen in fear.

“What sorcery is this?” asked Julian to the empty ears of her friends who were just standing there in…

Months back

The village of Alaska was known to be a friendly village with a lovely environment full of giggles and laughter, the King Andrew the fifth ruled just like his forefathers had in peace and love.

The children were always seen working hard to help their parents and those who could go to the stream which was an hour away to bring home water for the family, and then at the end of it all, Mama Theresa the village storyteller would gather them at the big oak tree and there she would tell them fascinating stories told to her by her ancestors, the children were always found with smiles and keen interests in learning new things about the animal kingdom.

It was always a sight to behold, the moon had always made the night wonderful as it casts its light on them making everywhere magical.

In this village were the three friends Naomi, Julian and Natasha, they were as close as a magnet and were the village information carrier, no news passes by without their full knowledge of it, correcting people and telling them what had truly happened because they have always found ways to learn the truth and at the scene of the event most times.

But recently, they haven’t been able to tell what was true as it was hard to understand the languages spoken by the people who had come to visit months back.

The men were 5 in number with a skin color different from theirs, except one who has the same skin color as them, he was the one who brought the other men into their village one evening, he was the interpreter as he repeated all that was said by the men to their King, the three friends knew this because they were always lurking around but they couldn’t hear their conversations as their voices were whispers and their king was found whispering back. It seems it is not a word they want out yet, but they had heard the king saying the men should come back three days later after he had spoken with his chiefs.

The presence of these people had got the villagers whispering, asking what was going on from their king after the men departed and the chiefs were also called.

The King had called a meeting at the village square the next day telling the town crier to pass the message all around the kingdom.

The next day came in and the people were seen arriving at the village square where the king had told them the men would come again in two days to talk to the villagers to explain and show them what they had spoken about.

The people had questions but they trusted their king as he had never done wrong to them, the three friends though weren’t convinced and were curious about why the king and the men had whispered. It was the first time they were not able to tell the people what they had heard, they became restless waiting not so patiently for the day to come to an end and rise another.

The normal activities in the village resumed with the people's minds at rest at their king's words awaiting the arrival of the men he had spoken about.

On the said day though, the people were heartbroken when the men never came, they had gone to their king who had told them they would come but there came in the presence of heavy rain which made people take their minds completely off the men's arrival because of how heavy the rain was.

The next day came in early and the birds chirping could be heard high up in the sky, the rain had ended hours earlier and dirt filled up people's compound because of the wind the rain brought in. The children were seen sweeping and cleaning up the village environment to make it neat.

Photo On Pexel by Pixabay

Afternoon came and then evening when the children could be seen with various sizes of pots going to the stream, while at the stream something happened, something strange was seen illuminating the sky, shining so brightly, whatever it was had come from the village, scared by the presence of the shiny object the children had dropped off their pots and ran towards the village with Naomi, Julian, and Natasha at the front.


Panting and sweating, the children ran through the woods, sweats can be seen dropping off the body of the three friends, Naomi, Julian, and Natasha, but they never stopped running.

A twig caught Naomi's leg and she fell straight flat on the muddy floor as it had rained earlier, her friends had turned back to pick her up, running side by side not to be caught by the thousands of feet that echoed behind them.

They ran across the woods, the presence of the moon not found but the stars were there guiding them through the night.

Running as fast as they can they came out to the open but they were stuck by what they saw, unmoving with their eyes widen in fear.

“What sorcery is this?” asked Julian to the empty ears of her friends who were just standing there in awe of what was in front of them, the other children came out also and stood with them.

Just as if magic was being cast on them they all moved in one accord towards the village square where they had seen what had illuminated the sky and brought in its shine toward the stream, standing there were their parents, grandmothers, and fathers with other children and at the front were the men who had been anticipated on a day before stood and their King was there sitting on his throne, the interpreter's voice was heard repeating what the men had said in their language, as each child walked to their parents asking when the men had come in.

Tekinorlorgi they had heard, the men had brought in technology and the shine they had seen was called light and the men had promised to bring in more of the tekinorlorgi apologizing and giving reasons they weren’t able to make it in yesterday, which was the presence of the rain and the people accepted their apologies.

The people of Alaska were in awe at what was in front of them, the men had said they would bring in things to make work easier for them, give them water, build hospitals and educate their children so that they can have a brighter future.

The King had spoken to the people and after many thoughts and discussions, they had agreed and thank the men who they were told were called the white men, and the black man who had brought them in whose name was Kofi.

Work started in the village and the people also helped out but the children never missed out on their stories, even when education came in which has been said would lighten up the life of any child who was ready to learn. The children later found out it wasn’t pronounced Teknorlorgi as they suppose but technology.

The presence of technology in the village reduced the hard work around, water was brought in and a hospital where the people were treated with herbs was created as more innovations came in months later.

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