The Locker Man.

A million years ago in B.C., evil ruled and dominated the hearts of humans. A mystical being was sent to the world to balance the hatred, venomous spirit, and atrocities made by mankind which made the world a pleasurable pained filled place and fill humans heart with Unity, Great wisdom, and Love.

Omidiva, the creator of all things, sent his most trusted being to earth after years of trying to make humans, harken his words. Syphilis, who was Omidiva's trusted being harkened to the words of his father and moved to earth where he got the name... The Locker Man.


The day Omidiva sent Syphilis to the world, the day darkened and the sky bled profusely in pain of losing a special being to live amongst humans. The pain was too much and Sky was angry that she turned the blood-filled water that rained on Earth to fire which brought screams and agony to humans. When Omidiva saw this, he pleaded with the Sky, known as Ariel, as he knew why she was angry. Syphilis is her lover.

When Ariel got calmed by Omidiva, Syphilis was sent to earth to fulfill his mission and return to his heavenly home once his mission is fulfilled. Syphilis listened to Omidiva and came to earth in his beautiful form. He was so beautiful and his movement graceful that the beings of earth lusted over him but they were not able to touch him because the light that shone around him was stronger than rock making it hard for him to be touched.

Syphilis got himself places to settle in as he can multiply himself. He stationed himself at the capital of places humans can reach him which they did on the night of the day he came to earth, to welcome him to their darkened pleasurable-filled lives. They brought in coins and other valuable assets to catch the attention of Syphilis as it is known that the sound of coins does wonders to the heart of those who hear them. Only that… They were shocked by the outcome of their visit.

As many that entered Syphilis abode that night found it hard to get back outside. Syphilis home was with no speck of dust nor the pleasure humans hope for which made them wail in agony. Those that heard their voices became curious while some were afraid and those that summoned the courage to find out why the humans in Syphilis abode wailed endlessly were also locked in. This made humans tremble and barely had time to engage in their wicked ways as they were trying to understand the evil that just befell them.

For days, the humans that weren’t locked in found it painstakingly hard to sleep or plan evil for themselves. The agony of their fellow humans locked in was agonizing to hear that their eyes were bloodshot as they barely had time to rest.

One day, one of the humans called a meeting to discuss ways they could get the Locker Man out of the earth and many ideas were brought which were all executed.

Unfortunately, none of their plans ever worked no matter how they tried. It seemed impossible. Having no choice, they decided to come together every day to pray to Omidiva to help them cast the Locker Man out of Earth.


When Omidiva heard their prayers, he was glad they were United and worked together having a common goal, but he did not answer their demand. Instead, he urged them to change their ways by showing love, kindness, and respect for one another. The words of Omidiva sounded strange to their hearings which made Omidiva give them great wisdom to understand his words.

It took some weeks before they finally got into the practice of loving and caring for people other than themselves. Humans continued in the ways Omidiva spoke of though it looked strange to them at first. But, as time goes on, they were able to adapt to the new life they are living with the old life barely remembered.

Humans' newfound ways gladden the heart of Omidiva that he urged his special being, Syphilis, to return to the place he belongs to. Syphilis heard the call of Omidiva and harkened to it. He released the humans that were locked and went back to the Sky, Ariel, his lover.

When the humans that got locked up were freed and Syphilis returned, humans became happy and thankful to Omidiva. The humans locked by Syphilis saw the changes in their world and were happy too and when they were asked what brought their agony, one of the humans spoke;

"The Locker Man showed us a world where things were as beautiful as this; hate, deceit, and lots of atrocities didn’t dominate the world. He showed us a world filled with so much love and good deeds and we cried when we first saw the world because it was strange to us and we didn’t want to change. But after some days more, we got to understand the beauty of the world shown to us and we cried endlessly because of how beautiful, magnificent, and well-made it was".

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