

She knew the day would never leave her mind... the hours, minutes, and seconds left in the midst of people, yet all alone. Rebecca felt it, the sudden loss in her voice and life. No one was going to fill that space, she knew... So deeply, she knew where she stood in the face of the world. Her world was gone in one night.

She listened to the platter of the rain that filled the air, but that wasn't the only sound that was now taken over Aguilera Street. The siren sound "Neew-naw, neew-naw, zoom...zoom" shook the street, but not that only, it also shattered her heart more as she watched the body wrapped up to be moved... "Oh, no! She wanted to scream". But, she swallowed her wails and let her silent tears follow the trail of the rain.

"You must be Rebecca Smith. You'll need to come with us." She heard someone say.

"Come with us! Her mind screamed. Come where? She wanted to ask?"

But she knew where her fate now lies... in the hands of strangers. How pitiful. She chuckled before turning and nodding to the voice she heard.

As she drove in the same car with the policeman and woman, her mind drifted to some hours ago as she replayed tons of scenes in her mind like she was reversing a movie.

"Catch!" She heard a voice whisper to her, and then she chuckled slightly or, more likely, she heard the sound of a girl that looked like her, chuckling deeply before running.

More tears stained her eyes as she remembered some time spent with her father. Her only world, and now... she is without a world of her own. How sad!

Holding onto her chest, she remembered the dreaded moment when her Dad slipped... and... and... she watched him tumble down the stairs. Terrific! She hated herself for not being able to help him in that state. All she did was scream... screaming his name while touching him until she felt some sort of liquid stain her hands. "Oh! Goodness, only if she picked up the phone instantly to call for help."

... maybe, just maybe he'll be alive. But, no! She was a chicken and didn't make the call on time.

The police car came to a halt, and she was asked to step out, but the building that stood in front of her pulled some tight string in her heart. She never expected they'd be there. "Why are we here? She wanted to ask?". But she swallowed the lump she never knew was in her throat and stepped out of the car as she moved her legs to walk. One step she moved... then another... and another... until she found herself in the building.

She watched as the policeman discussed with one of the ladies at the counter, and her heart leapt to what was to come next. A tight, strong knot formed in her throat... as she struggled to breathe. Her heart changed its rhythm as her eyes rolled back, and her skin became hot... but before she could call on anyone, darkness overcame her... sweeping her off her feet.

"When will she be awake?" She heard a familiar voice ask.

"Let's give her time. She'll wake up soon. Just give a call or press the button right there when she does, and I'll be here." She heard a man reply.

Moving her hands a little, Rebecca opened her eyes slowly, but the white light in the room made her shut it immediately, earning a groan from her.

"She's awake!" She heard the woman say.

"Can you hear me?" She heard the man's voice before she felt his hands on her.

"Yes." Rebecca replied, but it seemed like it was a whisper. However, the doctor seemed to have heard her as he tried sitting her up.

Opening her eyes again, Rebecca found out the room wasn't as lighted as it was before. She looked to her side and recognised the policewoman from yesterday. "Hmm, no wonder her voice was familiar." She murmured.

"Why am I...? Wait, where is he?" She asked, trying to stand up her feet.

"Hey, easy there tiger, you can't be looking like this and want to see your ol' man." She heard the doctor reply.

Tears formed in her eyes as she held her chest... "There was a lot of blood, and he wasn't breathing... I thought he was… dead." She said, looking at the policewoman. "Hope filled my heart when I saw that we came to the hospital instead of the police station where I could be sent to the orphanage home. I never thought... I never.. " Rebecca didn't get to finish her statement as the policewoman hugged her.

"You did well making that call, how about you freshen up, eat, and then we can go see your dad."

Nodding her head, Rebecca agreed. The doctor checked her again before he left them.


Rebecca wore a very big smile as she walked to her father's ward with the policewoman. Before she walked in, she was told of her father's status.

"He is a strong man. He fought endlessly and came back to us. We had to do some surgery on him, so he's resting. So don't be scared if he doesn't reply to your conversation." The doctor said before walking away.

Going into his ward, Rebecca saw her father's body lay on the bed. Going forward, she held his hands carefully before kissing his forehead. "Come back to me, Daddy. I know you can because you are a fighter." She whispered in his ears before seating close to him.

Facing the policewoman whose name she later knew to be Rose, she thanked her.

"Your father is a good man. He has done a lot for our nation, and he is my role model. He inspires me. A soldier who had fought many wars for us. And I am glad he retired when he did." The policewoman said.

Smiling, Rebecca added, "It was hard for him when my Mom died of cancer. He retired when things were rough at home to take care of me. So, you are right. He is a big inspiration to many, and my heart is always filled with anticipation having a father who the world adores."

Taking a deep sigh, Rebecca continued, "I can't wait to see your smiles again, Papa. I am thankful that I didn't lose you. I am so grateful you fought death to be with me. You are such an amazing father." She said before resting her head beside him.

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