Lydia's Heart.


The howling of the wind made her teeth chatter like she's on ice. Her skin was pale as she struggled to close the door of the barn to keep the animals safe.

"I can't believe winter came in earlier than expected." Lydia gnashed her teeth tightly before running toward her home to attend to her 5 years old kid, Larry.

"Mom!" A voice screamed above the thunder that struck.

"Shit! I hate stormy nights" Lydia said with a snarl.

"Mom, you have to..." Larry didn't get to finish his statement when his Mom Lydia got to him.

What is it, Lar? She wanted to say but her face almost turned into horror seeing what her son showed her.

No, no, no. She screams internally before running to get a bucket to place under the plank which water was gushing out from.

Holding her son tightly, she spoke.

"I have to go out and add a new plank to the ceiling. Make sure you dry off the water, okay? Lydia spoke leaving a son with a wide face ready to do what she had said.

As Lydia walked out with a plank, and a bag which contained a hammer, nails and some other equipment, her mind went into a frenzy as she remembered how she met Larry's father Nicholas.

She was in the choir and he was a keyboardist. Their love story started when there was a special event in which the choir had to come up with different songs to display each day before Christmas. It was a new way for the church to help the Choristers by bringing out musicians from the church to study music in another country.

There was great joy and happiness when this was announced and it didn't only bring more people to church but also, parents, especially mothers had to push their children into choir for them to be trained. It was an eventful thing for everyone.

And as days went by, Lydia and Nicholas became closer to each other. They started as friends while silently growing their feelings until Nicholas spoke and they started dating. Secretly, of course.

They dated for 3 years before the unexpected happened. They have been trying desperately to abstain from any sex but they couldn't hold themselves when the urge got stronger.

Lips and hands became one and so did their body. They bathed in warmth of the rain together as their bodies collided, dancing swiftly as the rain platter filled their ears.

Two months after their encounter, Nicholas was chosen by the church to continue his music career and so was Lydia. They were both happy but their happiness was cut short when it was found that Lydia was pregnant after a medic test.

Her dreams turned to ashes, never to rise again and her parents were shamed by people as Nicholas denied having anything to do with her.

Lydia was 18 years old then while Nicholas was 20. She had begged him to marry her but his family chased her away saying their son will not take over what doesn't belong to him.

Lydia, chuckled lightly as she remembered that day. It felt like a dream but it was her reality. Her new reality and she faced it. She faced the remarks from people and their negative words toward her. It was painful but she faced it all while seeking forgiveness from her creator.

Now, 5 years have gone by swiftly with herself and her son. Her parents had died 3 years ago while she was left in their home taking care of the animals they left behind to survive and she is a proud mother and a very great business woman.

"Mom, I cleaned everywhere, come and see your teeth shining on the floor." Her son said, drawing her hands toward what his mother had asked of him immediately she came through the door.

"Who's the best handsome hard working lad the whole world can not do without?" His Mom asked, smiling.

"Me!" Larry screamed and Lydia could not help laughing.

Morning came earlier than expected as the sun that seeped through the window awakened Lydia.

"Good morning mom," Her son greeted his Mom with a cup of coffee.

"You made me coffee?" Lydia said with shock.

"I always make you coffee ma," Larry smiled, always loving his mother's reaction to his coffee.

"Thank..." Lydia didn't finish her statement when a knock interrupted her.

Looking at her son, she gave him a look. Who would knock on their door this early without a prior notice? She wondered as she walked to the door with a son on her heels.

Opening the door, Lydia's body stood straighter at who stood before her.

"Go and play in your room Larry," Lydia said to her son without looking at him.

"Lydi..." The stranger's voice cracked.


"Isn't it too early to knock on someone's door?" Lydia asked the stranger whose knees were on the floor as he sobbed.

"Please, Lydia..."

"Shhhh... You don't have the right to call that name. And besides, why are you here and begging on your knees?" Lydia asked.

"I made a grave mistake some years ago. I was scared and didn't know what to do. I was dumb and selfish but now, I know better. I should have stood with you and stayed regardless of what people may think. But I was a coward and left you to fight alone. I am remorseful and regret my action. Now, I am ready to face the consequences of my actions and won't shy away from any." The stranger said with painful tears.

"I am sorry Nicholas, but I can't have you back into our lives now or ever. You proved your point when you walked away 5 years ago. You were an adult and not a baby. You knew what you were doing was wrong but you did it anyway. I can't watch my son grow to see that kind of man as a father figure. Move on with your life like I did with mine. Move on and..." she didn't get to finish her statement when Nicholas held her leg.

"Please, no one is perfect and I have recognised my flaws and worked on them. I know if things were better, this could have been an excellent reunion to meet you and my son. But it isn't. I am not asking you to forgive me now or take me in right now. All I need is a second chance to fix my mistakes and live an honorable life. And, I can only achieve that with you and our son." Nicholas said with tears dripping from his face.

Staring back at her son's room, Lydia spoke.

"I am not ready to give you a chance but, I am not fate. I'll think about it but you have stay away from us for some time". Lydia replied before closing the door and holding her thumping chest.

With tears streaming down her eyes, she knew her heart still recognised him and wanted to reunite with him.

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