It all happened in a day.


Two strange things happened that day.

Clutching her chest tightly, Anita gasp as she woke up from sleep. "No, no, no." She muttered out loud as she stood up hurriedly from her bed. "It can't be real, this dream mustn't come true". She spoke out alarmed as she took her cloth and wore it leaving her two-bedroom flat as fast as she could.

The air that touched her skin when she opened the door was chilly. It reminded her of her dream and the sky looked not friendly. She muttered some inaudible words to heaven before she ran toward her destination, desperately hoping that heaven heard her and stops her dream from coming true.

She ran ahead, nonstop for a while before she turned left and dashed through the forest she saw in her dream. Her feet hit the ground like the sound of a bulldozer. The air became choky as she ran but she didn't give up. Instead, she doubled her step almost hitting the hard ground as she ran. Tons of mud curled up her feet as it rained earlier. The mud was very tick, restraining her movement as she cursed loudly, almost begging. "Get off me!!!" She screamed.

After some minutes of running, her legs became tired as they beg her to stop. But she couldn't, she knew she mustn't. Someone's life is in danger and she has to play the role of a savior. It is a must she saves the person. She had to. This thought pumped her adrenaline giving her full energy to run faster again before her leg gave up and she hit the muddy ground hard at what lay ahead of her.

Standing at the tip of the hill with one leg up ready to jump was the person she saw in her dream. Her heart beat faster as she screamed for the person to stop, but all her screams fell to deaf ears as the figure moved the second leg as a thumping sound was heard.

"No!!!" She screamed again. "I must still be dreaming. It can't be real. It can't be." Pinching herself, she hit her face. "Wake up, Anita. Please wake up!" She shouted, but she didn't as she was all awake.

Holding on to her cloth, she lifted her head to see if what she saw some seconds ago was real. Tears filled her eyes as she realized she couldn't stop her dream from coming true. She wasn't able to play the role of a Savior. She lifted her eyes to heaven as she prayed for what she just witnessed to be a dream just like she had earlier, but her prayers weren't answered. Her friend was dead. She could feel it.

Walking to the hill where she saw her childhood friend, Paulina standing some minutes ago, she looked down to see the water have washed her away. Her friend had committed suicide and she couldn't stop it. With eyes teary, she picked up Paulina's sandals as she walked back home defeated.

On getting home, she walked over to Paulina's room and dropped off her sandals. She stood with teary eyes as her eyes search her friend's room. Her eyes saw a piece of paper on the bed. Picking up the piece of paper, she read the words written on it, holding back the tears that filled her heart.

Anita and Paulina had lived together for two years before Paulina fell in love with Jacob. They had dated for some months before Jacob proposed to her as the wedding day was set. But as fate would have it, Jacob was found dead in his apartment on their wedding night due to a heart attack. Paulina had come back to stay with her a week after the incident and assured her she had moved on. Only that... She hadn't as today was supposed to be Jacob's birthday.


Sitting on the cold floor, Anita held onto her friend's letter as she let her tears out. She cried out bitterly praying helplessly for a miracle to happen. She continued praying until sleep overcame her.

The sound of the phone ringing jolted Anita from her sleep. Cleaning off the drool in her mouth she searched her surrounding as she realized she was in Paulina's room. A series of emotions overcame her again as she hiccuped. The phone rang again and she went over to pick up the call. Whatever the person at the other end was saying didn't matter anymore as Anita dashed out from her home again toward the street, but this time around, she didn't run, she hailed a taxi that drove her to her destination.

On getting to her destination, she alighted from the taxi and dashed into the hospital where she had inquired about the call that came in. After the receptionist confirmed the call, Anita was directed to a room where she saw her friend Paulina attached to lots of tubes. She was later directed to the doctor's office who had asked to meet her when she comes around. When she met the doctor, he explained a lot to her adding that Paulina was in a coma and asked her to pray she comes out of it safely.

Smiling ear to ear, Anita stare at the hospital wall as she spoke. "As long as miracles still happen, she will be awake". Thanking the doctor, she walked out of his office. Walking down the hospital hall, she met the two local men who had rescued her friend when they were out fishing. The doctor had said they performed CPR on her and also found her I.D. card where they had seen the hotline number they had called.

While she thanked the two local men, she saw the doctor she had spoken to and some nurses running toward her friend's ward. With a heart full of hope, Anita prayed again, and after some long minutes which felt like hours, the doctor came out to talk to her. With eyes teary again, Anita stared at the hospital wall in gladness. Sniffing, she hugged the doctor tightly. It is a beautiful thing to see that miracle still happens.

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