Keep Out - The Forbidden Cabin


There was a cabin in the heart of the rainforest.

The old planks groaned in the breeze, and the windows were black and threatening. A weather-beaten sign hung on the door, its writing nearly obscured by layers of dust and dirt. “Keep Out,” it cautioned, using bold crimson letters.

Ever since anyone in town could remember, no one had lived in this cabin. Nobody knew who had lived here or why they’d left. But there was one thing everyone knew: this cabin was cursed.

Tommy had heard stories. He heard about strange noises echoing through the woods after dark and seen lights flickering in the cabin’s windows at night from far away.

But Tommy wasn’t scared; he never got scared because he was always looking for new adventures to go on that would make his heart race with excitement.

While Tommy was wandering the woods one day, he found a shack. His heart pounded as he neared it. It trembled in his hand as he pushed open the door.

Within, the air was stuffy and old. Dust coated the furniture and cobwebs hung from the ceiling. But Tommy did not mind; he wanted to figure out what this house hold.

Tommy continued his exploration and spotted a trapdoor on the floor. He lifted it open with shaking hands and looked down into darkness.

A ladder extended into the ground, vanishing into shadows.

Tommy went down into the dark without even a second thought. It got colder with every step he took, and the further he walked, the blacker it became. However, he continued moving onward, powered only by his inexplicable curiosity.

He finally reached the bottom of the ladder. In front of him was a long thin tunnel made of stone that had been chiseled by hand. Tommy paused for a moment but then stepped forward into the darkness.

It twisted and turned in every direction as if forever going on. He didn’t know where he was heading to but still followed his adventurous spirit blindly.

Finally, after a seemingly endless amount of time, Tommy found his way into a massive, echoing chamber. The air was heavy with the scent of wet dirt and the noise of drops of water hitting one surface then another reverberated around him.

There was a stone pedestal in the middle of the room. Upon it sat a small, decorative box. Tommy approached it slowly, his heart pounding in his chest.

With hands shaking uncontrollably, he opened the box to look inside. What he saw made him gasp.

Resting within the box was an incredibly beautiful amulet made from gold. Its surface was covered in complex engravings which sparkled when they caught the light.

Trembling slightly himself now too much not being able help but do so anymore, Tommy reached out towards this object and picked it up gingerly by one edge before bringing it closer to his face whereon he could examine all its details better for himself as though trying still perceive more clearly what might have been missed at first glance, which turned out not necessary because there already was nothing else hidden but only further elaboration upon what had already been seen.

However, when his fingers closed around the amulet, he felt something odd. The atmosphere seemed to get colder and the chamber walls began trembling.

Tommy cried out in terror and immediately started running, holding on tightly to the amulet against his chest. He heard stones grinding together behind him and knew he needed to flee before it was too late.

He sprinted through the winding tunnels, hearing nothing but the pounding of his own heart in his ears. Finally, he saw a dim glow up ahead and pushed himself even more, going faster than he ever had.

Finally, he broke away from the tunnel and jumped out into the air. He sat on the floor, breathing heavily but still clasping the amulet tightly.

While lying there, he perceived that the cabin was falling down upon itself; and that the ground below him was shaking. And he immediately without a doubt knew that he had let loose forces which should never have been touched at all.

However, still he could not drop the amulet; for dangerous as it was being aware that it was indeed an amazing thing. Also knowing very well that my adventures were just beginning.

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