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"I think that's just the way she is," I was too convinced to be told otherwise, Nene who has been my neighbor for over two months has never for once been friendly, always wearing a straight face and minding her business, "does she even have empathy?" I wondered because she was too non-chalant for a human after witnessing the way she snubbed a little boy who greeted her on his way to school.

image is mine

One fateful evening, I ran out of fuel while coming back from work, I decided to take a tricycle to the nearest fuel station with my keg to get fuel in order to refill my car tank when I met Nene and her straight face again at the bus-stop.

She was in her white Lexus, riding gently and I was in two minds whether to signal her to stop or not.

I was discouraged by her mean face, so I continued my search for a commercial tricycle, but suddenly a gentle voice called out to me.


"Neighbor Binabo, where are you headed?" I was too surprised to see Nene waving at me showing concern and even smiling.

"Hmmm, to get fuel," I responded in a snap and continued walking.

She drove gently to where I was and parked her car, "Come in, let me give you a ride to W & X fuel station," She opened her car door and began moving the stuff she kept at the front seat to the back.

I was gobsmacked and even had my mouth open.. "Are you for real? Nene spoke to me today and even offered to give me a lift?" I whispered beneath my breath , then I hopped right into the car.

"Thank you Nene, I am too surprised you showed concern today, you must be in a very good mood," I teased hoping to have an insight on who she really is.

"I show concern all the time Binabo, why do you think I stopped even without you reaching out to me?" She left me with a thought provoking question and continued driving.

"Maybe you're just in a good mood don't you think so? Most times I always take you to be a snub, I have witnessed a countless times how you wouldn't respond to people when they greet you and you also wear a mean face almost all time, I actually saw you but I concluded you'd just snub me, which was why I kept on looking for a commercial tricycle to take me to the fuel station." In a bid to counter her question, I summoned the courage to give her a piece of my mind.

"Wow, you already have an impression about me," Her countenance changed almost immediately.

"Ermmm, I'm sorry if what I said made you feel bad, I just had to let out what's been on my mind for a while now, so what's up?" I knew it was high time I changed the topic before she kicked me out of her car.

"Well, Most times when it looks like I am snubbing a person, I'm probably not wearing my hearing aid, I am impaired in hearing, there's probably no way I would intentionally snub someone who greets me, take a look at my ears, I have them on today and that's why I can hear you loud and clear and that's why we can communicate properly," As soon as I saw the hearing aid, I felt terrible for jumping into conclusion, trying to bury my face, I brought out my smartphone but my conscience began to prick me. "Apologize Binabo!!"

I finally gave into the pressure, but we were already at the fuel station by then, she parked waiting for me to get down and purchase the fuel, but I couldn't leave the car without an apology.

"Hey Nene, I'm so sorry for judging you without getting to know you properly, I've come to realize that things are not always what it seem, I should have made sure of all things before jumping into conclusion about your personality." I was so ashamed of myself and full of remorse.

"That's fine Binabo, I am sure many people have the same impression about me, but I'm glad you're out of the list," She giggled.

"Can we be friends? I don't just wanna be a next door neighbor, I want to know more about you, from the little discussion we've had, I've come to realize you're a very cool person. Here's my arm wide open for a hug Nene."

Nene didn't hesitate to hug me, "sure, we can be friends," Her smile was wide and charming.

I bought the fuel and she dropped me where my car was, we rode bumper to bumper until we got home.

That was a start of something new, I was ready to defend Nene wherever I hear people talking ill about her because I know her better now.

Image by homewaystudio
Image by Pexel

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