Misunderstanding and Closure

Jane Madison, a fifteen-year-old girl, was living a normal life with an airhead and lovable personality that seemed to have her own world inside her head.

She was blessed with loving parents, a big brother and big sister, and two best friends named Mary and Michael.

She was the youngest in her family. Because of that, her parents spoiled her and were overprotective, and she wasn't an outdoor person, as she preferred to draw with her iPad and computer. Sometimes, her two best friends drag her out of the house to spend time together.

Currently, she was outside the coffee shop with her two best friends, and there were not many customers in the coffee shop since it was early in the morning.

Coffee shop

Jane enjoyed the lovely fresh breeze and nice weather, and she enjoyed listening to her best friend talk to each other while sipping coffee. She was glad that it was the weekend, so they didn't have school today.

Michael and Mary were chatting about their daily lives with a strangely long gaze, and Mary's hand was on top of Michael's above the coffee table.

They looked like her parents when they were having breakfast together.

'Is there something fishy with those two?' She sipped her coffee calmly while looking at her friends suspiciously and curiously. She wanted to ask them about their relationship, but she didn't have the opportunity right now because Mary glanced at her in curiosity.

"Do you want to go to the cinema with us, Jane? It's a romance movie, and I know you have been looking forward to that." Mary winked at her with a smile.

Jane's eyes were wide open, and he looked at her in disbelief.

"You mean that popular movie? A love triangle when two boys fight their love over a girl?" She squealed in excitement, placing the stryo coffee cup on top of the table carefully. She didn't want a spill, after all.

Michael rolled his eyes at them.

'Hopeless romantic,' he thought of them in fond annoyance.

"You know, you can just tell the title unless you guys forget about it instead of using the cliche romance trope scenario." Michael looked at them with a deadpan expression.

Two girls looked at Michael simultaneously. Jane's facial expression looked guilty and sad because she was sensitive for being an airhead, and Mary glared at him, grasping Michael's hand tightly. Michael winced with a slight pain. His eyes were wide open in confusion, and he was looking at Mary with an expression of, 'What did I do wrong? '

Jane noticed their silent interaction, and she didn't know why those two reminded her of her parents.

Deep inside her mind, Jane was determined to investigate her two best friends to find out the truth.

After spending their time together at the coffee shop, the three of them went their separate ways. Truthfully, only Jane did because Mary and Michael went in the same direction since their homes were near each other.

Mary will be informed of the time and date of their movie after buying their tickets. Of course, Jane will pay it.

When the day of the movie arrived, the three friends went into the mall, walking towards their destination.

There were many crowds in the mall, doing their business to buy the products or even going to the restaurant to eat. It was noisy and busy on the weekends.

Mary and Michael were leading the way, while Jane was behind them. Jane realized that the two of them were holding hands again, and she thought in confusion and deniability, 'It was normal since best friends held hands all the time, right?'

When the three friends went inside the cinema after buying food and drinks, they decided to sit near the front since they arrived early.


The lights were switched off after more people arrived in the cinema, and everything was dark until ads started to play on the big screen as their source of light.

After the movie ended, people started to trickle out at the cinema when the light switched on, and the three of them decided to stay a little longer in their seats. Mary glanced at Michael and Jane.

"The movie is touching and wonderful!" Mary commented on the movie enthusiastically.

"I wanted to talk more, but I want to go to the restroom first. You guys, go ahead; I'll catch you up," replied Mary while she stood up on her seat. She walked ahead while waving, and then she was out of sight.

Michael looked at Jane with an apologetic expression.

"I wanted to go to the restroom too. Wait for us, okay?" He informed Jane. Jane nodded and smiled. Deep inside her mind, they looked a little suspicious to her, though.

"Sure, no worries. I'll wait for you guys outside," Jane assured him. Michael smiled at Jane in relief, and then he went ahead toward the restroom.

Jane waited for a few minutes, and the people at the cinema were less than before.

She decided to follow after them, entering the dark, long hallway until she saw them clearly thanks to the light of the restroom.

Michael and Mary were facing each other with a tender expression, holding their hands together.

Jane quickly backtracked as she hid herself behind the edge of the wall, enough to hide a person easily while she took a sneak peek.

'Ah-hah! I knew that they were an item!!' thought Jane in realization.

'Why didn't they tell me that they were together?' Jane felt betrayed, hurt, and in confusion that the two of them never told her about their romantic relationship. She thought that friends always confided in each other. She knew that they befriended her in 6th grade while the two of them were childhood friends and lived nearby, but she couldn't help but feel hurt.

Jane can't hear them because of the great distance, so she decided to hide to watch over them.

While Jane was hiding, the couple was having a discussion.

"Is Jane looking at us now?" Michael whispered to Mary.

"Yup! I could see in my perioheral vision that she was clearly hiding badly." Mary giggled softly.

"I hope she knows that we are a couple now," Michael replied, sighing deeply in exhaustion.

"I know! I mean, you know I love my best friend because she is such a sweetheart, but we are hinting at our relationship in three months!!" Replied Mary in exasperation.

"I don't know how to confront her about our relationship, and I feel bad that we are being intimate in front of her as proof while I feel Jane as a third wheel. I don't want her to feel like that since I truly enjoy spending time with her," Mary continued sadly.

Michael lifted Mary's hand and kissed her knuckle in comfort.

"I truly enjoy spending time with her. I know how precious our friendships are. After this, how about we confess to her together, love?" Michael assured his lover, and Mary smiled at him in relief while nodding in agreement.

Mary gave Michael a peck on his lips while the two of them heard Jane gasping a bit loudly.

"Let's go somewhere private, like my house, since my parents are currently out working," replied Mary.

Michael smirked at her. "Sure. Let's go pick our girl right now, then."

"Oh, you!" Giggled Mary, letting her hand go while she used her hand to turn into a fist to playfully hit Michael's shoulder lightly.

"Ow!" Michael winced dramatically, and the two of them decided to pick up Jane.

In the end, the three of them decided to go to a certain restaurant to order their food and planned to eat over at Mary's house.

The three friends have a long talk, especially Mary and Michael, who confessed that they were together.

Jane felt happy that they admitted them in front of her, cheerfully congratulated them, and gave them well wishes for their relationship.

Mary, Michael, and Jane enjoyed spending time together, eating pizza in Mary's living room while they talked about the movie they watched a few hours ago.


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