A flight towards dreams

Fareed had been at the airport for six hours now. He was unable to decide weather to take this flight or not. In his mind he was aware of the fact that this flight would change his life forever. Taking such a big step was something that made him nervous. He kept asking himself," to be or not to be?"

Fareed was a banker who had worked in a corporate bank for 5 years. He was not passionate about it. He was passionate about singing. Singing meant everything to him. But, to meet his financial needs and social security, he had to overlook his dreams and passions to be a banker. It took him five long years full of restless and sleepless nights to finally pursue his own dream of being a singer and take a flight to America.

When he reached Karachi airport, he was all puzzled. He was not moving an inch. All the questions of failure and what ifs came rushing into his mind. He kept thinking that should he drop this idea or not. What would his parents and friends think of him? All he needed was a gentle push towards the right direction. He came early at the airport to spend sometime there.

Taking this flight would actually change everything for him. He would lose his job and would also lose the trust of his parents. It would also challenge his financial status. The were his thoughts when he saw people saying farewell to their beloved people, to their memories in this city. He told himself," airports and flights are such emotional places. New opportunities and challenges wait for all these people and for me as well if I take this flight"

It was just 5 minutes before the boarding announcement that he heard a voice coming from within. A voice that was so clear in this chaotic situation. It was the voice of his consciousness. It told him to get on the flight and give his dreams a chance. Life is short and a person's dreams deserve at least one chance for fulfillment.

Right after hearing this voice, the fog in the head of Fareed got cleared. He smiled and got on the flight radiating positive energy.

After 4 years, in an interview, same Fareed was talking to the host telling her how taking that flight changed everything in his life. That flight was an opportunity which helped him in realizing his dreams. He said," Take chances, make mistakes, but don't live a life full of regrets. Take your flights so that your life becomes more meaningful."

Ps: The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel.

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