Their Friendship Went Back To The First Stage.

In the whole of Ashade community, Arike is the biggest grocery wholesaler.
She is being patronized by a lot of retailers of Ashade community and she has some prominent customers as well. She is more popular than any other wholesaler because her goods are very cheap and that’s how she was able to catch the attention of so many people. One of her prominent customers is called Itunnu.
Itunnu buys a lot of goods from Arike and in a week, Itunnu makes sure she comes to Arike’s shop at least, three times. Despite how much goods Itunnus buys from Arike, Arike makes sure that she never sells on credit to Itunnu. That has been Arike’s policy right from the onset. She doesn’t sell goods on credit.


One afternoon, Itunnu went to Arike’s shop to buy groceries as usual but on getting there, Arike fell on the floor and broke her leg.

“Ahhh, my leg, my leg,” Arike shouted.

“Oh my God, sorry. Try to stand up, please,” Itunnu noticed that Arike could not stand up by herself anymore so she called other people to help her.

Arike was taken to the hospital and Itunnu spent the whole of her day there. She stood by Arike and took care of her.
Itunnu went there the next day too till the last day Arike left the hospital. These two ladies started becoming close to each other just because of the accident Arike had at the shop.

When Arike resumed back to the shop, Itunnu made sure that she checked on Arike everyday and even helped her sell some of her goods.
After a few days when Arike was fully well, Itunnu raised a conversation.

“Arike, I’m happy that you are getting better and you can handle your things together even without me here but I’d be needing your help. I don’t know if you can be selling goods to me on credit but if you do so, I’d be happy,” Itunu said to Arike.

“Hmm, we both know I don’t sell goods on credit but looking at what you’ve done for me, I don’t think I can get it elsewhere. Don’t worry, I’d sell goods to you on credit as long as you pay back on time,” Arike responded to Itunnu.

“Why not? I am surely going to pay back. I appreciate the fact that you recognize me as your friend and render me this favor. I’m surely not going to disappoint you,” Itunnu said to her friend and they both concluded on selling goods to each other on credit.

This went well for months and Itunnu kept to her promise. They became very close and even best of friends. These two ladies started to go out together, wear the same clothes to parties and did practically the same thing best of friends could do.
One day, Arike noticed that she hasn’t seen her friend for two weeks and she hasn’t paid up the money she’s owing Arike.
Arike picked up her phone to call her best friend.

“Hey bestie. I haven’t seen you for days and most importantly, when are you going to pay me my money?,” Arike said to Itunnu.

“Really? You haven’t seen me for over two weeks and the only thing you could ask me is your money? Do you even care about me at all?” Itunnu responded to her friend shouting at the top of her voice.

“So what do you think I should ask you about? My money is very important to me and that’s something there very sure of,” Arike responded back and hung up the call angrily.
After Arike hung up the call, the next thing she did was go to Itunnu’s shop and on getting there, Itunnu was really ready for her.
They both shouted at each other and exposed all the secrets they have always been telling each other. A lot of people were shocked that these best friends could actually blast themselves outside in the presence of everyone.

Eventually, Itunnu was forced to pay up the money she was owing Ariel and they never became friends again.


The domino effect that took place when she fell at the shop made them get to the level of getting close to each other and even selling goods to each other on credit which also led to the quarrel they had.
They both learned their mistakes but Arike never sold goods on credit to Itunnu again.

Ever since then, Arike never became close to anyone and if she was close, she never brought friendship to business b

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