Bianca’s Throat Session.

Tired Bianca threw her bag on the bed and slept even without eating nor taking her bath before sleeping. I guess Bianca forgot to eat but she woke up very early in the next morning. When Bianca woke up, she warmed some water to clear her throat and headed to the studio.
Bianca clears her throat almost every minute and couldn’t sing like her usual self at the studio.
Bianca is known to have an ear piercing voice with her beautiful soprano voice.

“Bianca, is everything okay?,” Lawrence, Bianca’s boss asked her.

“I guess there is something wrong with my throat because it aches me so bad,” she responded.

“It’s better you visit the hospital. You can go now so you won’t have to stress your voice,” Lawrence said.


Bianca left the midst of other singers still clearing her throat almost every minute as she has been doing since morning. She took to the hospital immediately she was released from the studio by her boss.
She got to the reception looking tired and worn out.

“Pretty lady, you can have your sit and when I’m done with everyone, I can register you in,” a nurse at the reception’s counter approached Bianca.

Tired Bianca took a seat and when the nurse was done responding to people, Bianca paid ten dollars for the hospital card and waited to see the doctor.
She entered the office of a very handsome doctor putting on his glasses with a stethoscope on his neck.
She took her seat even before the doctor said so and at that moment, it felt like the pain in her throat had gone.

“Hello madam. I’m Doctor Francis. How are you doing and what’s wrong with your health?” Doctor Francis asked.

“I’m Bianca. Presently, I can’t talk well and it feels like there is something wrong with my throat. It hurts so bad that I can’t eat and I haven’t even eaten since morning,” Bianca responded.

The doctor asked her to open her mouth. Told her to raise her head up and open her mouth. Bianca’s ulva was looking so red and swollen. The doctor already guessed what may be wrong with her.

“Madam Bianca, I really can’t say what’s wrong with you until our gynecologist comes around tomorrow but it looks like you’re suffering from laryngitis. I’d advise you don’t take anything too cold or too hot and swallow something light,” Doctor Francis said.

Bianca thanked Doctor Francis and left his office. On the next day, Biana got to the hospital very early in the morning and was lucky to be the first person the gynecologist will respond to.
The gynecologist ran some tests for her and went to the laboratory to take some x-ray pictures of her throat and her vocal cord in general.
Finally, she realized Doctor Francis was right at first. She was suffering from laryngitis.

“Do you talk or sing all the time?,” the gynecologist asked.

“Yes. I’m a musician and I sing at the studio everyday,” she responded to the gynecologist.

“I think you’d have to say a long goodbye to your career because your condition is kinda worse and you gotta stay off talking too much or even singing and having to strain your voice,” the gynecologist said to her.

Bianca could not control her emotions. She’s at the edge of making fame in the Nigerian music industry and such is happening to her right now which warrants her to take a little or long break from her career.
The gynecologist understood her plight and felt bad for her but it’s better to be alright.
Immediately, she was given some drugs to take and was asked to visit the hospital once a week for a voice therapy session.


Bianca went back to the studio to tell Lawrence and the other musicians about her new journey and her plan to take a long goodbye from the studio. Lawrence felt so sad because the best person with the sweetest soprano voice is taking a break from the studio.
Bianca went on the new journey to clear her throat and hoping to get back to the studio but she keeps facing one throat problem or the other.

“Will Bianca ever get back to the studio? Is this really a long goodbye or a goodbye forever?,” she asked herself sitting in her room while some watching videos of herself singing on stage.
Bianca keeps on going to the hospital every week for her voice therapy session till she gets better.

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