Burning In The Deep


Burning In The Deep

It's a burning love that lies in the heart of Zora. She is the most adored in her clan and the most beautiful being ever seen on earth.

Mike has been the type who loves cheating on any woman that comes his way. So, he has been known as a woman cheater. Everyone who knows him would tell those who are new to the community to stay clear of him.

Mike's name and appearance in the entire Community have been smelling just like a rotten egg. He is now seen as the worst human being on earth.

Zora is new to the community and was from a decent home. The very first day she got to town, Mike saw her and welcomed her warmly. The way she behaved showed Mike that Zora is going to be a hard nut to crack. There are so many girls out there who Mike has disgraced, but to Zora, it is not going to be easy for Mike.

Zora was not the type who loves going out and not also the type who loves making friends with people. She loves staying on her own, but right in the community, so many people want to make friends with her just because of her beauty. She is so pretty to the extent of guys turning their necks 360° anytime she is passing by.

Mike tried hard to get close but could not until one day when Zora's family had a birthday celebration. His dad just clock 65 and was celebrating as it was their normal routine. Mike was the MC (master of the ceremony). He tried hard to make everyone as well as Zora notice him, but all her efforts were proved abortive.

I was not noticed even after being close to her. She should be someone I must get close to.

Since Zora had been told about the kind of person Mike was, she said to herself not to get close to him as he is someone who is not to be trusted. How can I fall for someone who has robbed so many ladies of their personalities? It can't be me except if he comes out to be a changed person. Zora said to herself.

She was on her way to get some stuff in the market when Mike interceded her. He tried to talk to her by wooing her, but Zora was not ready to fall for his tricks.

Mike was dropping his habit gradually after he got to know Zora. He only knew the girl called Zora but nothing more than that. Mike starts behaving just like a normal being and deviates from his usual way of life.

He only wanted Zora to trust him and also to ignore the words she had heard about him. Mike kept on pestering Zora daily. Mike managed to speak to Zora just to know her mind but she categorically told him about what she has been hearing about him.

You have cheated on so many women and now you want to do the same to me right? I know that you are the only guy who everyone wanted, but not someone like me. I have taste and eyes for something good and not someone just like your type. Everyone in the community including young and old has lost trust in you. No one is ready to accept your very person any longer. So, what do you want from me? Zora asked Mike.

I have cheated on so many ladies as you have rightly said. There is no doubt about that, but do you know that something can make someone change from his old ways to a better character? Yes…this is a fact. I was but not anymore. You can't believe it if I tell you that I got changed the very day I saw you. Mike responded.

How can you change just because of someone who you have not talked to? What made you think that I would accept your offer?

It won't be easy for you to believe me but I'm telling you right now that I'm a changed person. It would be hard to believe and I'm not saying you should believe me. Just do what your heart says. I can't force you to accept my words. You own your life but no one else.

When Mike spoke reasonably, Zora got a change of mind. She began to think of all the words said by Mike. It was hard to believe but she had no choice.

Zora did not accept him but gave herself so many days to think about it. She began to observe Mike for days and months without him knowing. After some months, she got to know from a reliable source that Mike has changed. He is truly a changed being. This means one had to confide in him.

Zora finally gave Mike her love side of life since he has been showing the true side of his love to her. He has been so caring and loving and not the usual person they once described him to be.

Mike was ready for marriage terms which they finalized and became husband and wife.

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