Royal Livingstone Express

My first memory of a train ride was one filled with excitement when I made the rhythmic dance team at high school, which meant a 3-day train ride from Durban to Cape Town for a big festival.

The excitement soon turned to misery for those who got motion sickness as this was just a regular old train, nothing like the luxury ride I'm going to share with you today!

I remember the trip back was even worse as everyone ate too much of the Cape dried fruit which of course led to flatulence, so many of the compartments were filled with the most awful aromas which caused more train sickness!

Fast-forward to 2022

Going on a luxury train ride to Victoria Falls is just one of the things on my bucket list.
Rovos Rail offers a two-night, three-day luxury steam train ride to Victoria Falls.

Of course one can fly, but how awesome to ride through the countryside and take in the changing landscapes while enjoying five-star meals, accommodation, and service on this luxurious steam train.

Once in Zimbabwe, the elegant and nostalgic Royal Livingstone Express will be next on the itinerary.



The journey would start in Livingstone, winding through Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park and the Zambezi River Valley, which gives one the opportunity of spotting wildlife.

The lounge compartment with decor in lavish leather, teak, and brass and offers one the opportunity to enjoy an ice-cold drink while sinking into comfy couches.



Dining on this train in the elegant dining cart is a sumptuous affair with the finest china, crystal, and silverware with an authentic feast awaiting one.



The highlight of course would be as the train crosses the Victoria Falls Bridge and the massive Victoria Falls come into view.


These falls were named after Queen Victoria by the Scottish explorer David Livingstone in 1855, but the local Kalolo-Lozi people called it Mosi-oa-Tunya, “the smoke that thunders.”



I started this blog in between nursing Mom Lily, but her condition worsened to the point where we had to get Home Angels caregivers to help during the day so I've been absent from Hive for a while
Sadly things spiraled out of control as the brain tumour became aggressive and took Mom on Sunday 30 January.

Reminiscing and having to dig up old but good memories in preparation for her memorial, has been healing, and I know my tiny little Mom is now at peace and would want me to get on with my life.

Who knows, perhaps I do get to take this dream trip by train one day!

The photos I've shared was taken by my friend Pat who flew to Zimbabwe with her son and his wife, as a special birthday gift from them.

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