I look at the horizon and tell myself that I will not give up what I have done and what I will do in the future - Week 134 New Year Edition

I look at the horizon and tell myself that I will not give up what I have done and what I will do in the future-Week 134 New Year Edition

To live without an ideal is to not live at all. Goethe


I would like to start today's post by sending a sincere Happy New Year to all of you who in a few hours will pass into the new year, 2023, may the new year that is knocking at your door bring you all that you wish with your loved ones.

In the year 2022 I have done many things that I can say have changed for the better my state, my thoughts, my way of perceiving and seeing life, but there is one thing I can honestly say that I couldn't part with him and I want to do my best to keep it going in 2023.

I won't keep you in suspense any longer and tell you that the one thing that has changed my thoughts and attitude and that of my family for the better is ............., Travelling.


Yes, you may be judging me now for a moment, but after quite a long period of time when because of the pandemic we were unable to do what we liked, even in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic we had that fear in our minds, we had that fear of others, lest we get sick, on TV we saw hour after hour serious cases caused by the pandemic, people dying in hospital corridors, in a terrible word, this condition brought us to the brink of isolating ourselves without keeping in touch with outsiders.

Even so in troubled times I managed to do what I love, to travel, harder of course, I don't even know the number of covid tests I did either at departure or at the final destination, but even so I didn't give up to do what I considered to help me overcome the difficult situation that I can say the whole world went through.

As for the beginning of 2022, I can say that I timidly started to organize mini-vacations in Romania, in areas that did not exceed the distance of 300 km from where I live, usually staying a day or at most two days.


At the end of March 2022 we got brave and booked our first flight out of Romania, we decided to break the ice with a holiday in the capital of France, Paris.

If we were to go by what some scientists and studies have said we can say that traveling can represent psychic health, even spiritual, why I say this because already for next year we have planned a vacation of seven days in the Holy Land - Jerusalem, a holiday largely spiritual with a very great importance for Christians around the world.

Even after the end of 2022 and after all the vacations we had both in Romania and in other countries of the world, we came to the conclusion that there are so many extraordinary places even quite close to us and it would be good to pay more attention to them and not to create a bubble formed only by going to work, shopping and home, avoid becoming our own slave (sorry for writing that word but that's how I feel at the moment), try to live for us, do exactly what we like, my opinion is that we have nothing to lose.

Have you ever wondered how long in a month or a year you work for your own dreams?

I confess that from all the places I explored I had a lot to learn, whether they were areas in Romania, from here I had to learn from culinary secrets to traditions, whether they were places in Europe, here I mainly studied the mentality of people to see the differences between us, to see how others perceive life, to explore their historical areas (if you follow my posts you will see that I pay more attention to historical places and nature walks).

Can travel complete me?

The answer is one that you probably expect and that is, yes, travelling completes me, from all the trips we make I try to take the good things, I try to get through all the challenges while visiting some countries, I try to tell other people what fascinated me in the areas we visited, all the places we visit will become our inheritance, yes, we do not consider that wealth, car, house are the main inheritance.

Just a few weeks ago I received from our friends an interactive map where I can tick every country I visited, I can keep a clear record of the number of countries visited, over 20 countries, hence my dream to reach as many countries as possible.

In conclusion to today's post I can tell you that I am very rich, with every new country I visit I can say that our wealth grows and if someone asks me where our wealth is I show them the horizon.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug!

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