My parkrun Tourist Obsession. 61 to 70.

Getting chased down at the Warner lakes finish line.

S S Koopa trail parkrun is named after a park which is named after an old ferry ship that used to be used get to Bribie Island before the bridge was built. Koopa is an Aboriginal word for flying fish. It is funny but the no trail as I know it, just a fast and flat multi lap concrete path but I am not complaining as it helps get a fast time. We were there for event number 2 to help complete my Wilson index.

Maleny trail parkrun is definitely a trail run which starts with this fast down section before running along a creek to complete a pleasant out and back course.

Glasshouse Mountains Conservation parkrun is yet another cross country style trail run along a disused train line. It is down hill all the way to the 2.5 kilometre turn around before a long slog back up hill. We meet another famous uber parkrun tourist there. He is older than me but super quick beating me by a couple of minutes.

I could not find any photos of me for the only time we visited Kelvin Grove parkrun. That must be an reason to revisit it soon. Above is my strava GPS screenshot for the course, a double out and back along the creek.

Ros Gregor trail, is one of many parkrun popping up in country Queensland. They seem to help with tourism to places that people do not other wise go. It is definitely true for us as I had never heard of the place.

I talked a work mate into visiting Harris Avenue parkrun. He walked with his daughter, I ran then caught them up and walk the last bit with them. I was wondering what the volunteer photographer was doing but when I saw the photo it all made sense. We also visited Harris Ave with a run down under group a few weeks later.

Calamvale parkrun is a convolute narrow pathway inside there district park. You can just see me on the second row of the start line in a blue singlet and hat.

Victory heights Trail parkrun is a couple of hours north of Brisbane and home to some very passionate parkrunners. You need to be passionate to tackle the single tracks and hills on this course.

Bellevue Park juniors is a parkrun but only for juniors runners and walkers between the ages of 4 and 14. It is only a 2 kilometre course. We did not officially run the course as we are too old but got a stat as we volunteered. I was a course marshal and helped pack up. In Australia to volunteer at junior events you need to have a current blue card for working with children.

All photos in this post have to be credited to the parkrun volunteer photographers who give up there run and time each week so I get to see what I actually look like while running.

To celebrate my 10 years of parkrun, I thought I would make a few posts of all the different parkrun events I have visited.
@new.things/my-parkrun-tourist-obsession-the? 1 to 10
@new.things/my-parkrun-tourist-obsession-11? 11 to 20
@new.things/my-parkrun-tourist-obsession-21? 21 to 30
@new.things/my-parkrun-tourist-obsession-31? 31 to 40
@new.things/my-parkrun-tourist-obsession-41? 41 to 50
@new.things/my-parkrun-tourist-obsession-51? 51 to 60
parkrun is a not for profit community event held every weekend. It started in England and has now spread to over 20 countries world wide. If there is not one near you, I would have a look at helping start one so I can come and visit you.

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