[WE116] My dream has come true

Three-day weekends, this is great.

In all the years I was working away from home, I always dreamed that weekends would exist for three days, that is, from Friday to Sunday. Because in my particular case I felt that I lacked hours to cover all the needs of a weekend.


I invested my weekends in recreation without forgetting the typical obligations of mother and home, so many Sundays became stressful after noon, because I knew that I had a few hours left to return to the routine of the week.

When it came to traveling, I preferred to start the trip on Friday after work to make the most of the time. I carried a backpack with everything I needed for myself and another one for my daughter. So our weekend started on Friday afternoons. We would return on Sunday afternoon, knowing that I had to get home to prepare food for the next day, because my daughter had to bring lunch for homework, since they didn't have a place to buy healthy food for lunch. Many times I ended up preparing the simplest thing, spaghetti with tuna and a side dish like banana, ha, ha, ha, ha.

For Monday breakfast, the best alternative for the girl was to buy at the school canteen and for me, at the bakery closest to my workplace. We liked that, because we could choose the most appetizing and different from what we were used to.

Once the food was ready, I had to arrange everything I needed for work and classes (school uniform). At that time I longed for an extra day, so I could enjoy two days of fun and come back the third at the end of the morning and organize my routine for the week.

If the option was to stay in the city, on Saturdays I would take the opportunity to go to the movies, the theater, the park, restaurants, walks in general. I spent the whole day in the street, the economy in those times allowed it, I had no limitations. Sundays were for cleaning, washing, cooking, helping my daughter with some pending task. These activities took me all day, at night I went to bed as if I had participated in a marathon, but I didn't want to sacrifice my outings. I never stopped having fun because I stayed at home cleaning.

When the alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. on Monday, I imagined that I could stop it and continue sleeping, then I remembered the responsibilities of each member of the family and got up, and years went by.

I kept repeating that weekends should have three days, even if it meant working an extra hour a day. My pleas were never heard.

When a holiday fell on Friday or Monday (it was a long weekend, as we say in these parts) I enjoyed my three-day weekend. It was the best thing that could happen.

That was my life until three years ago when I made the decision, supported by my husband, to quit my job for a third one and dedicate myself to study and prepare myself to fulfill the family's financial projects.


Now it is different, although we still have the weekend chip, so many years adapted to a work system that now working from home, without meeting schedules, but if responsibilities we work until Fridays and most of the time that day before going to the room we share a while chatting, having a few drinks and listening to music. Another choice is to watch movies until the wee hours of the morning without worrying about getting up early, the weekend begins and with it the activities change, even if we have to finish a project started during the week.

I would definitely support three-day weekends. I would always find a way to meet work commitments Monday through Thursday, knowing the reward.

What about you, what do you think, would you like three-day weekends?

That's all for today, I hope my participation is to everyone's liking. If you want to know all the topics and participate in engagement #116 I leave you the link.

I say goodbye wishing you good energy💞

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