The Fiddler in the Room

Hello Hive,

For WE 90's posting topic, I couldn't resist taking the plunge and confessing a weird quirk that some of you might share.

My name is Arni and I am a fiddler.

No, I don't play the violin nor tamper with things. Neither am I Batman's supervillain.

I love to fondle and fiddle the corner of my pillow(s). That's it, I said it. I smell them and they're delightful! No matter how childish that may appear, it's a strange instinctive quirk I have taken with me to adulthood.

It's not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect from someone working in the interior architecture and design industry. Any of my colleagues will cringe at the thought of rubbing the tips of pillows and ruining their corners.

There's this gloriousness, relief, and comfort derived from twiddling the tip of the fabric and the loosening of stitches. The longer the thread and the bigger the hole it creates, the more satisfaction I get.

Here are pictures of our old bedroom from our previous home in Argao which we call the orange house. They're not too obvious but if you look close enough, almost all of the pillows' edges are damaged. Well not as much as they are now because these photos were taken when we just moved in.

Imagine my husband's surprise during our first months living together. Every night, he heard the sound of nails flicking the edge of the pillowcase and he'd time and time again utter, "Stop destroying the pillows!" Over 16 years of marriage, it was a quirk he slowly and reluctantly accepted.

When he reprimands, I smile, watch him simmer with a hopeless expression, while I continue fondling the edges.

I still get glares sometimes and the occasional warnings but I think he might have succumbed to the fact that it's something he can't change. It's a habit I intend to keep for a very long time...

It's self-soothing.
Just the thought of it makes me look forward to hitting the sack.

So yes, I'm a fiddler in the bedroom.

Thank you for reading about my weirdness. What about you? What are your quirks? Wishing you all a fabulous week ahead!

Discovering Arni.jpg

"I am an old soul who simply loves coffee, who finds joy and beauty in both tangible and the unseen."


Curiosity and imagination lead to unexpected experiences. Interested in Nature, Places, Roads Less Traveled, Minimalism, Authentic Living, Anything French, and International Cuisine. Feel free to follow her, re-blog, and upvote if you enjoy her content.

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