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(WE90) Weekend-Engagement POSTING TOPICS

Wide (4).png

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

- Bruce Lee -

What makes us who we are? We're all unique and different in looks, thoughts, attitudes and intelligence and our personalities help to create individualism as well. One element is our habits and they can be positive, negative and very strange indeed; If you knew some of mine you'd know why I call myself a nutbag and knucklehead. Hmm, maybe I'll do a post over the weekend and share some.

I promised super-easy topics this week so take a look below for the topic prompts and, if you feel like doing a post, do so in THE WEEKEND community. Follow the guidelines below for prize-eligibility - They're not difficult to follow and I don't make exceptions. original im src

Now, let's get into it for week ninety.

Simple guidelines to follow

✅ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
✅ Post in THE WEEKEND community (do not cross-post)
✅ Follow the rules of the community
✅ Contest closes 07:30 UTC Monday 28th Feb
❌ Do your own work, don't plagiarise and link-credit photos


This week's post topic prompts

Option one: You're strange

Name and explain some of your personality quirks, strange habits or oddities that other people may find strange, weird, funny or just plain unusual. Tell us about any moments in which they may have caused humour, embarrassment or just came in useful. It's about you, so simply write what you feel is right and you wish to share.

Option two: Acquired habit

Assume you could acquire a single habit overnight, what would it be and why would you like to have it. How would it impact your life, be of benefit or add value and is there a reason you want that particular habit but don't yet have it?

Option three: Someone else's

What quirky, unusual, odd or strange habit have you noticed or observed in someone else that you enjoy and respond to - or detest as it gets on your nerves - explain why in either case (or do both). Loud eating is one I hate. Sends me bonkers! 😕

Option four: Spell gift

If you could cast a spell and instantly bestow an odd, quirky, weird or strange habit upon someone (other than yourself) who would it be, why them and what habit would you give them and why? (Here's your chance to have some fun and be creative.)

Option five: Lost it

Have you removed a habit, strange personality quirk or oddity over the years? What did you used to do, but do not do anymore. What prompted you to make the change, how did you make it and what benefits have you gained or lost?

Curation and hive-rewards may happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your feed.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

If you'd like to sponsor a week of #weekend-engagement please feel free to transfer your sponsorship to my Hive wallet with the memo: weekend-engagement sponsorship.