Structure on the the weekend? I would like to be less so at times

Hello everyone, to begin with I just want to tell you that the weekend is almost over so make the most of the last hours left. But as I always tell you, let it be at your own pace, let it be as you want, let nothing and no one impose your agenda, let your heart tell you if you go for the adventure or go for the blankets.

Well, the above seems to me a nice message even if I can't apply it very much.


The vital structure or chaos of a mom.

Sometimes I want to be very relaxed and totally unstructured but I can't do it regularly, you see, when you are a mom of 4 kids you can't just take the weekend as you woke up that day.

Not even because you bring all the tiredness of the weekend accumulated is possible because there is a troop to feed and for whom to prepare everything for the following week.

So, either because I have personal projects to accomplish or because I want to rest a little, if I want to achieve it, it is necessary that I am well structured in relation to the organization of my time.

I have to thank life for the fact that in the family we have a very harmonious way of managing each one's interests and on weekends there is a lot of collaboration among all of us.


I also have a vital rule and it is that in case an unexpected good plan to do something out of routine comes up, I try not to postpone it because of domestic issues, that is, if someone wants to go out to the beach and it is possible, I will not say: "we cannot go because I have to wash the school clothes".

In order to do this I have to be mindful of getting a lot of things ahead in the week, so the obligation that I have to have more structure for really is to feed them in a timely manner 🫡🤭.


Sundays is also a day where I do homemade hair treatments, special skin care routine and get my nails done, so if I let things get to me this is the first thing I have to sacrifice.

This weekend in particular has been dedicated to some house repairs and deep cleaning to get the house ready to welcome Christmas and everyone in the family has been happy and dedicated to this.



Weekend in bed for health, now my son is ready to get out of bed.


There is also something to be said for spending a weekend with a health situation to attend to, as my last few weekends of the month have been,

But it has not been about me, it has been about my son who had surgery on his legs, as I told you a month ago, and I have been taking care of him because we spent all this time with him in bed immobilized.


My main concern with my son in bed was to be able to have all the things of the house, food and work ready but trying to accompany him as long as possible and not to leave him alone in case he needed something and just to give him company.

Now, a good part of the process is over, we started the rehabilitation therapies and he is starting to walk with crutches and we are very happy about that.


I leave you with a picture of my son's first steps, my big celebration.

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I am always creating original content, any topic I write about in my blog is approached from my experience and my personal point of view "as I lived it and as I see it" unless I indicate otherwise and I will always be attentive to provide information to the community. As in this case, my blog banners were created in Adobe Express and Canva.

Siempre estoy creando contenido original, cualquier tema sobre el que escribo en mi blog es abordado desde mi experiencia y mi punto de vista personal “como lo viví y como lo veo" a menos que indique lo contrario y siempre estaré atenta a brindar información a la comunidad. Como en este caso, Mis Banners fueron hechos en Adobe Express y Canva.



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