Cuban Weekend Chronicles: A Photographic Journey

Hello Hivers, today I'll share my weekend experience in Havana.

On that day, my wife sent me to buy various things, including chocolate that I love and peroxide for my mother-in-law to dye her hair. I woke up early to catch a 'gacela' for a quicker commute, but still arrived later than expected due to long queues for urban transport here in Cuba.After 3 hours I was able to ride a gazelle.

Upon arrival, I realized there was no chocolate, but luckily, the store had the hair dye. Despite the intense sun that day, I decided to take advantage of the light to capture some good photos, resulting in a quirky shot with palm trees that looks like I have tentacles around me, but I loved it.

After failing to get the main objective, chocolate, I headed to the cinema for some entertainment, only to find it under repair—a total letdown. It is the Riviera cinema, one of the famous ones in Havana, known for its great shows and recognized films.
With that news, I wasn't sure what else to do, so I focused on taking more photos during my Saturday walk to share with my Hive friends.

On my way home at the bus stop, I encountered a large and intriguing statue—a monument dedicated to the Major General of Cuba, who was once the president and fought against Spanish rule. According to the caretaker, the statues on the sides represent strength and magnanimity. The monument, made of marble and bronze, is a beautiful sight.This monument has a beautiful view, and is attracted by several tourists for its great height, beauty and meaning.

Despite not finding everything I was looking for, the most important part was capturing several photos to share with you. I hope you enjoyed them. Thanks and greetings.

Note: The photos were taken by me, using my Tecno Go Spark cellphone, and edited by me using the SnapSeed app.

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