Leofinance Is Taking Away The Excuses

Search online and it does not take long to find out what makes people successful. There is no need to revisit the hundreds of thousands of articles, or the millions of videos, that nail it completely.

Essentially, the key to success starts with mindset. The successful approach things differently than others. In short, they are not to be stopped. This contrasts with the average person who makes excuses for the reason things not working out.

It is the wife's fault. The dogs. Conception took place at night. Whatever the reason, they will point to something other than oneself.

Certainly we see this on Hive. It is commonplace for some to complain about what is taking place. Of course, we can hone in on this to apply to Leofinance, Splinterlands (although not of late), CTP, and SpkNetwork. No matter what is done, someone has something to whine about.

Have you ever noticed that the articles and videos about success never mention whine and complain about stuff. For some reason, this is not in the top 10 of "things to do for massive success".

In fact, two big things are to eliminate making excuses and stop blaming others. Take responsibility for one's life regardless of the circumstance (presuming one is of age of majority).

Here is where Leofinance is starting to offer opportunities.

Understanding What You Are Looking At

Notice the word used was "opportunities".

This is all we are presented with. The question is do people take advantage of them or not.

Of course, when the bear is roaring, people tend to be negative, bitchy, and really ensuring they do not succeed. They do everything counter to what they should be doing.

It is probably why most people live, as they say, lives of quiet desperation.

That what is going on with Leofinance. There was a post from the main account today detailing how bHBD-BUSD is now paying 45%. Do you realize how powerful that is?

A 45% APY will, over time, make anyone rich. Keep in mind that Warren Buffett, considered by many to be the best investor of all time, earned 20%. The difference is he did it for half a century.

How long will this liquidity pool pay this APRY? I have no idea. However, the fact is it exists and is there for anyone who wants to participate.

This is an opportunity to garner, at least in the near term, a strong return on your HBD. Is this something to complain about?

Perhaps this isn't for you? That is fine. There are other choices out there. Both Cubfinance and Polycub offer returns in many ways.

A key point is we are still in the early stages. We know loans and bonding will arrive at some point. This will open up even more opportunities for people.

It Can Start With Social Media

Unlike most things in cryptocurrency, where one has to bring cash to the table, with Leofinance one can get involved simply be getting active. The addition of LeoThreads is really changing things. People can start to engage there and receive some upvotes. While it isn't a ton of money, it does get the ball rolling.

We are seeing the same with long form content. Each day people are posting and getting rewards for their content. Again, those who are consistent find that their holdings grow. This brings up the proverbial "investor's dilemma".

What do we do with the tokens accumulated?

Do you take the LEO and stake it? Do you swap it for POLYCUB? For CUB? Do you take it and get involved in the liquidity pools?

There are a lot of choices, even when we do not have a lot of fiat money to invest. Of course there is one other major point that cannot be stressed enough: the lack of risk of a rug pull.

We all know Khal is committed long-term. He is seeking a $100 million platform and we might be on our way. It will take development, the effort of a large group of people, and a pride of lions who refuse to make excuses.

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