Triage Ability Review

Triage Ability heals the friendly backline monster taking the most damage for one-third of their maximum health, which can make backline monsters more difficult to destroy. It is a very effective ability, especially against enemy Sneak and Snipe Monsters. ​​It can also be much more effective when used with the Taunt Ability.

  • Taunt Ability : All enemy Units target this Unit (if they are able to).

There are 13 cards with the Triage Ability in the Splinterlands, 2 of which are Summoner cards. I can say that my favorites are Djinn Renova and Spirit Hoarder.

Djinn Renova is a Life Monster that can attack targets with Magic Attacks and has Strengthen Ability at level 1, and Triage Ability at level 4. It costs 7 mana.

  • Strengthen Ability : All friendly Units have their Health increased by 1.
  • Triage Ability : Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health.

Spirit Hoarder is a Neutral Monster that can attack targets with Magic Attacks and has Triage Ability at level 1, Dispel Ability at level 2, and Blind Ability at level 3. It costs 3 mana.

  • Triage Ability : Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health.
  • Dispel Ability : When this monster hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.
  • Blind Ability : All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have a 15% higher chance of missing their target.

I love both cards and I can say that they are the cards I use the most in battles. I would also like to point out that what makes Spirit Hoarder special is that it has the Triage Ability at level 1.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Odd Ones Out: Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.

Before starting the battle, when I reviewed the last 5 battles of the opponent player, it was very difficult to predict what kind of strategy the opponent player would team up with, so I decided to determine a strategy focused on healing.​

Since I believe that the Triage Ability will be very beneficial to my team in this battle, I added 2 Monsters with the Triage Ability to my team. I also put Iziar with the Taunt Ability in the last position. I believed that this way I would have a better chance of winning this battle.

The fact that I used 2 monsters with the Triage Ability along with the Taunt Ability in this battle was very useful. Although the opponent team was quite powerful, my team won this very difficult battle quite easily. I recommend watching this amazing and very interesting battle from the Battle Link so you can see how effective the Triage Ability is in battles and how much it benefits the team.


What are your thoughts on the battle? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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