Hive Equality Trends March 2022 to Autumn 2022: The Rich get Slightly Richer

Hive has become a little bit more unequal over the last 6 months when I last looked at Hive Power distribution, and a lot more unequal if we look at the 12 month trend...

I use @argange's daily Hive Statistics to collect the data below...

Accounts per Level

acounts per level.png
(October 21st 2022)

A/CSept 2021March 2022October 2022

If you look at the year trend the number of accounts per level are remarkably stable.

There has been an increase in the number of minnows, reversing a couple of years of decline - perhaps by the end of 2024 @steevc will be rejoicing at there being 10K minnows...?

And there are a few more Dolphins and Orcas too.

Besides that the only noteworthy fact is that there was a large number of new accounts created between September 2021 and March 2022, but many fewer since March 2022.

Most likely is that shows us the relative slow down of not only the blogging dapps on Hive but also Splinterlands, the later certainly reflected in the downward price trend of all SL assets.

Cumulative MVESTS per Level

hive POWER .png
(October 21st 2022)

A/CSept 2021March 2022October 2022

The above chart shows percentages - a big drift in concentration of Hive Power towards the 37 Whale accounts over 12 months, but a much smaller rate of increase in the seven months, but it's still increasing inequality, which has been an ongoing trend of Hive ever since I started doing these a few years ago.

Final thoughts...

The above data suggest to me that Hive has been relatively slow in terms of new accounts being created, and besides that at least more accounts have started moving up to Dolphin and Orca level.

However progress is slow and the vast majority of new accounts just don't seem to be Powering up to even Minnow level and beyond.

Rather stagnation seems the best fit word (again) as existing higher level accounts just hold and steadily accumulate Hive Power - and the largest accounts at a faster rate!

But there are maybe the seeds of optimism for greater quality in these statistics, certainly more so than any time since the creation of Hive!

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