Creeping Inequality in Hive - Inevitable when people don't buy in....?

In terms of HIVE POWER distributed between the different levels of account (Whale to Redfish) and in terms of the number of accounts in each bin (size category) Hive has been mostly stagnant over the last sixth months with a slight tendency to greater towards greater inequality.

This is the same trend I found when I used to do these reports every month, so nothing has changed, no surprises and based on a quick review of the top Hive accounts by Hive Power on HiveBuzz this trend just seems to be a result of the same old accounts having slightly more HP.

Increasing inequality is to be expected when all accounts earn the same percent curation return - over time those accounts with millions of HP are just going to accumulate so much more than those with only 10s of thousands!

MVESTS September 17th to March 16th....

In terms of MVESTS controlled by the different layers of account, the percentage controlled by Whale accounts (now the top 37 accounts) is now 49.3%, a 3% increase from the 46.5% it was in September 2021.

Meanwhile the percentage controlled by all the other bins (Orcas etc.) have decreased slightly....

September 2021 (6 months ago)

MVEST distribution sept.png

March 2021 (today)


Number of accounts September 2021 to March 2022

In terms of number of accounts there is one less whale account, meaning a slight trend towards more hive power being distributed between fewer accounts, but not a drastic change over a six month period.

Maybe more depressingly the number of mid ranged accounts have all decreased, so slightly fewer Orcas, Dolphins and Minnows.

There are many more Redfish, probably down to @splinterlands.

September 2021

Whales Sept.png

March 2022


Final Thoughts - the ordinary folk just aren't buying Hive...!?!

Maybe stagnation is the most accurate describer word here - we seem to have a situation for the most part where Whales just sit on their holdings, accumulating slowly while Orcas, Dolphins, Minnows steadily drift off - 'it's been a good run, see ya and thanks for all the Hive'!?

(Of course a few mugs like me mainly hodl too).

Meanwhile there is no evidence of fresh investors buying in any significant way from what I can see....?

Personally I still see Hive (and Splinterlands and LEO/ CUB) as hodls, but I see little in these trends to convince me to increase my Hive holdings...

Sources - stats are from @arcange's daily Hive Stats.

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