Power up or Power Off?

So it will be interesting to see if some of the discussions this week affect HIVE PowerUp Day PUD tomorrow. I actually used the recent price dip last month to invest more and have a big one (big for me) planned. I must say I'm a bit disappointed in some that are choosing constant power downs instead.

This is a small example of a good Solar PowerUp day. I'm pleased when my Solar panels provide a good powerup during the day that can be used later. Like Hive, I expect this investment to prove it's worth and payout over the longer term. This was a good day, producing almost as much as I used for the day and the night. More on that in a later post once I have the full month data.

What I really wanted to focus on was some of the recent discussions by multiple authors around the recent highlighting of folks constantly Powering Down and not contributing to the growth of Hive as much as they could by Powering Up.
For more on those discussions, see these posts and the hundreds of comments:
Are you on HIVE to Invest or Milk the Cash Cow? -- @slobberchops
Power Up.. or No Votes. -- @galenkp
Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else? -- @solominer
The Next Round -- @tarazkp
Top 1000 Hive Stakeholders! Moments of Pleasure, Years of Pain!
-- @azircon

I've thought on this a few days now.
In six years, I've never powered down, so you can see how I struggle understanding this.
I will likely be thinking about it for the next month, but likely start adjusting my votes. Perhaps a few of the folks I like will make some adjustments, perhaps not.

One side of me is extremely disappointed, even feeling betrayed that several of the folks I have regularly given high value votes to, previously delegated to or even provided a Helper UpVote to were in this class of constant, immediate power downs. This includes a few that could easily be giving me nice Dolphin or Orca size votes back in return by now, but return my support of them with a .02 upvote since they've been constantly removing their HP. And I don't mean the outliers of occasional power downs, I mean folks that could be giving back to the community with .30 or .50 upvotes (as well as earning more curation for themselves). Part of me just finds that rude, offensive, and short term greedy on their part.

Another part of me strongly upholds their right to do so and use HIVE however they choose as long as it's not abusive. This doesn't apply to all those that have powered down, that is part of normal operations, but it's another level to become a "taker" and just pull all out immediately all the time without re-investing in the community or in your "friends". I'm one who enjoys supporting others, wants to help the community grow and thrive, and I feel like the takers are just one step above the spammers.

Like some others have voiced, I am really struggling now to give them those big votes, or even upvote their content at all, even though I enjoy their content.

I never really paid much attention to this in the past, in fact, didn't even know how. But now that I've looked, I can't help but be impacted by it. Like several other Orca's have voiced, I will likely be altering my voting on some of these accounts. Yes, they are free to do that, but I am also free on who I choose to vote for and choose the size of those votes.

I know many have scripted this and may have better ways to pull it up.
I thought I'd make it easier for other folks that may not know how to look this up manually...

In Ecency, go to the person's wallet, then scroll down to the "History" section and filter on "Stake Operations"
as shown circled in the screen cap.....

In PeakD, go to the person's wallet, then scroll down to "Transactions" , then filter on "Power Up / Power Down" as shown circled in this cap.

That's it for the rant. I'm open to discussion and to hear the other side, but I'm struggling to see the value in supporting those that are not supporting others.

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