Self-reliance - The key to building the wealth that you desire

Chris knew every single one of his problems, alright, but sorting them out seemed to be the trouble. He was knee-deep in debt, had an ailing mom who so badly needed to go for a second surgery and then there was his fiancee who had recently been declared cancer-free after a series of chemotherapy sessions and of course, needed all the time and love she could possibly get from him.

There is no limit to what you can achieve financially when you make concrete plans and execute them.png
He had called to have her move into his place so he could at least keep an eye on her _ even though she was no longer sick _ and as for his mom, it was money that was needed for her surgery more than his love.

He sighed.

Being a man with so many responsibilities could drive one insane, but he was tough enough and he had been holding on for as long as he could remember.

He was grateful he had a roof over his head and could afford his daily meals and other basic things that he required to get by every single day, and he hoped and prayed dearly for his recent trade to not fail him.

When his fiancee, Lil arrived that evening, it was with tears of joy that she fell into his arms. He held her for long and kissed her bald head which was a testament to her strength and warlike spirit, and then before he let her go, a tear slipped down his own cheek.

He was happy that he had not lost her to cervical cancer, and he was happy she was in his apartment.

" I'm sorry I had to send Dan to pick you up. I was trying to have some things settled here."

He said when she finally let him go and proceeded to plop down on one of the sofas in the living room.

"I heard about mom. When is she going for the surgery?"

She asked. He stalled. He had not wanted her to know. Maybe he would have had to tell her anyway, but he did not think right then was the time.

"Soon. We've got at least seventy-two hours before she is taken in."

He said grimly. She nodded and her eyes started to well with tears again.

"I know you have had a great deal of money problems lately…." She started to say in a hoarse voice, stopping to sniff often, "I know you have dabbled into many businesses and have taken on remote jobs in the past…" Another pause.

" Maybe you should take on a real job, a job that can be reliable at all times."

Her voice trembled slightly and she sniffed long and hard this time.

" You know how I feel about corporate jobs, babe. Can I not just have to force myself into doing something I don't like?"

" Most people don't like their jobs, Chris." She said firmly. " They do it because they are adults and their bills only pile up if unpaid, they don't go away, Chris!"

" Well, I'm not most people!" He bellowed.

He hated that he had yelled. She had started crying and he despised himself.

" I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to yell."

He said softly before leaving her. He needed to get to trade.

If the genesis of his problems was his lack of a corporate job that was reliable and could pay his debts and handle his mom's health conveniently, then it only made sense that he tried extra hard to make enough off the Foreign exchange market.

And that was just what Chris set about doing.

He called his friend, Ken, from time to time to ask for vital details once he was in the trade again.

Scalping was the thing for him, if he could handle more than one trade at a time and make all he could possibly make before running off the volatile market for the day, why not do it?

He knew that if he made just enough money to handle his bills, he would not have his fiancee breathing down his neck to take a corporate job, and she would care nothing about what he was doing with his personal computer, only if it provided just enough for them to live on.

Vacation at a five-star resort was one of the things he had planned for them by the end of the year.

Their honeymoon was supposed to be in the Maldives, they had also planned a tour around Africa, but he knew her faith was dwindling. He hated to disappoint her, to have her hopes dashed.

More reason he was going to make it in the trading market.

Hours later when he walked into the bedroom, Lil was in a peaceful slumber, curled up in the center of the bed. Looking vulnerable and fragile. He wanted to gather her in his arms and plant soft kisses on her head, to squeeze her gently in his embrace and let go of the tears that had accumulated in his eyes, leaving them glistening.

Like before, he wanted desperately to be the man she needed him to be.

And he would be.

He had closed a trade for the day with a little over ten thousand dollars sitting in his account.

The good thing about Forex, He realized, was the fact that there was no limit to what a truly knowledgeable trader could make.

There was a fiancee to take care of, and a mom who would be in the surgical theatre in less than seventy-two hours.

And he had money.

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