Success is ultimately a consequence of well-handled defeats - More money is a mile away

The right moment! We call it different things. Eureka Moment! Viola! Whatever you choose the moment when everything begins to make sense to you and you finally find the winning products for your online store, the edge over your competitors, your best bet to earn better on Hive. It doesn't matter what you call it and what it was you've been struggling with getting it right over the years until you finally found it.

Success is ultimately a consequence of well-handled defeats - More money is a mile away.png
Jim Collins gave it a rather long name, and it never skips my memory. "Bullet! Bullet! Then Cannonballs." That's what he called his. It was mostly clarifying how companies tested different methods, ran on trials and errors until they found the results they had been looking for.

In any case, the cannonballs for anyone who has tried, tried, and failed several times until they made it have always been a life-changing one. Their breakthrough! That big break! That "fuck you" money each and everyone wants to make desperately so we can give our bosses middle fingers and walk away with our shoulders held high. It's there. Somewhere in the universe waiting for us to discover it.

But like I said yesterday, it will take a lot of consistency and a never-giving-up vibe to get there. It's not going to be a lazy man's journey where you try today, leave for a few months, and then return next year. What you will always find by the time you return is that things have changed greatly and you are left behind. Picking up these pieces and catching up now becomes a hurdle and you throw your hand in the air to show you've succumbed to your 9-5, the boss you hate, the job you detest and you begin to blame the world.

Hello! The world isn't fair you had better get used to it and give whatever it is you want to do your best. Looking at Moritz in the movie, How to Sell Drugs Online (fast), on the verge of losing his lover and he wants to do everything to keep her close. Having a reason gave his hormones the beating they needed to try and figure out ways to become financially stable so he could give her the life she wanted. For her to go out there and be whoever she wanted to be. He was willing to give his all, and I am watching him squash his challenges one step at a time as he progressed to his dream life. If Moritz is doing it, so can all of us.

You will place yourself at a better trajectory and projection if you stop planning and start doing and don't always run off at the slightest difficulty. Everything good takes time, if you haven't read this sentence enough on my blog, then, you need to backdate my posts and do so.

You will only be a master of time if you stick around long enough for circumstances to turn up in your favor. But if it does turn up and you are nowhere to be found then you are among the five virgins who came to see the the Messiah without extra oil. You will lose out, locked out of the fun things that will go on for the rest of the night.

But it's never too late to start again. According to Moritz, the difference between success and failure is perseverance. He mentioned that every success is ultimately a consequence of well-handled defeats. This means defeat is a part of life that you can't really avoid as long as you are trying hard to not follow the crowd.

He stressed that if you want something you shouldn't give up no matter what. Instead, you should learn from your strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly wait for the right moment.

It's the right time thing that I started this blog post. But the right time will never come if you are not sticking around in the money-making or financial freedom hood. If you are far away from everything that's supposed to help you gain momentum, what's your excuse for missing out on a life-changing opportunity when it presents itself?

Did someone not say when opportunity meets proper preparation, success is inevitable? He did. My Maths teacher said when luck meets intensive preparation, we will find questions we can attempt in our exams and pass with flying colors. It applies to life, relationships, business, etc.

So wake up, stop making plans, and start doing them.


How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) - TV Series - 2019

Great by Choice - Book - Jim Collins

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