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As humans, we hate it when people depend on us to survive, and most times, we don't want to associate with such people to those people, we are very valuable to them simply because they are getting help from us, and their survival depends upon it but to us, they are a liability or we can even call them parasites, and whichever name we call them, we must always remember that that is how life works. Dependence is not what we should fear, it is one of those things we should embrace simply because if we want to retain our value, we must never let go of it.

Creating something that is difficult to replicate is where true value lies. With a unique set of skills, you can perform rare tasks that others cannot, making you an essential resource. People will rely on your expertise and services, making you indispensable. This kind of dependence is what we strive for in life because it not only elevates our status but also provides financial stability. Understanding this kind of dependence makes us seek what will make us unique and also in demand because people are now depending on us or our product.

Some put money in your pocket and some do not

People can depend on you, which we should always work towards through the service we provide or the information that we have at our disposal, this will always put money in our pocket, and this is where some people make their fortune, and that is why so many companies protect what gives their product value, which is the secret to that product, the Because they know immediately that the secret is out, their value will disappear and not that people might not need their product again, but when the secret is out, and everybody can make that product, the need for people to come to them will reduce or might not even be there again.

Most individuals do not prefer people depending on them because it puts money in their pockets but some people like it even though it doesn't contribute to their financial gain, it's human nature to seek recognition. Most people maintain these types of connections solely for the respect it brings them. The reason is that it provides them with a sense of importance and admiration. This is why individuals hold these positions. However, if you were to ask for genuine assistance, such as insight into their methods of earning money, they would decline to reveal the information. They understand that, if you were to acquire this knowledge, you might no longer hold them in high regard, and thus, they keep others dependent on them.

Seek it properly

One of the things people do not understand is that when you genuinely help people and get freedom from being dependent on you, you will have their ultimate respect, and their respect will not be because they are getting something from you, it will be the form of respect that comes naturally, and that is how you can seek respect truly, even though you cannot show everybody your source of income, simply because it will make you less valuable, which might take out money from your pocket.People depending on us is not what we should fear but it is what we should define whether it puts money in our pocket or takes money from our pocket.

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