Readings for the World - Ecuador

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Belated Happy New Year to everybody! I've been off the platform for a while, doing my own thing, but now I return to continue my readings for specific countries in the hopes that they might be useful and informative for others. In this occasion, I'll be talking about Ecuador, but I've also worked with:

The United States

After this reading, I'll do one for Panama. You may also ask for readings for your own nations, I'll eventually do them all the same but petitions will decide the order.

Ecuador is going through tough times. They're currently under an official state of emergency and experiencing an "internal armed conflict," with the armed forces and the police dispatched to face up against criminal gangs labeled as "terrorists" by the government. In that context, let's see what the Runes have to say about the situation.


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Despite the fear and uncertainty caused by recent events in their territory, Ecuadorans are in fact collecting favorable fruits of sowings done long ago. These current conflicts only affect the surface and represent no more than a breaking of the illusions that have been kept at the official level to conceal and oppress the heart of the Ecuadoran people, but the beating that thunders within the earth is one of benefit and growth, of productive and bountiful rhythms. The Rune announces that the nation is now regaining access to wealth that had been forgotten and that, precisely because of this, it has remained untouched until now, thus keeping a promise of incalculable prosperity for citizens. Therefore, it is indispensable that these times of tribulation lead to a change in the way of managing material resources as well as in the relationship with the land, for which Ecuadorans must recover their steadiness of spirit and their emotional balance, addressing their attention and judgment to those who have plundered the country. The violence that is now being revealed is a wound that permeates all levels of the national structure, so these clashes aren't between the noble and the impious; instead, all of those involved bear a similar degree of criminal responsibility and must be removed from their posts of both official and customary power in due time, so that a new, more respectful and capable lineage may take charge of all procedures from now on. Jera is Pachamama demanding care and also offering it to her offspring: the nation requires a better connection with the ecology, animal and plant life and the fields, which can only be obtained through the reintroduction of ancestral indigenous practices, as has been recommended in other readings regarding Latin American countries.


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Just like Jera, Berkano promises blossoming and rebirth, a beneficial and pure transformation emerging from cleansing and rejecting violence. Ecuador is now in a process of evolution sustained by great energy reserves safeguarded in the depths of the earth, like seeds that were waiting for sufficient water and nutrients to grow. Therefore, the message of hope, bounty and peace is reinforced, while also cautioning that the Ecuadoran people must accept these times of turmoil, for they need the maturity that only hardships may provide. The patient root reaches deep and the mighty tree may break through even solid rock; so too is the progress that's announced for Ecuador in this moment, but this accomplishment demands that citizens change their vision of their environment, their history and other nations. With new lenses, opportunities that were unseen thus far may become not just clear but also surprisingly achievable; the blessing is found in the change of posture that allows for a perspective of renewed beauty, of appreciation of their own culture and the exchange with other cultures. The Rune points out that prosperity must be acknowledged to be enjoyed and that pleasure must be admitted to be experienced, which seems obvious, but may not be so natural to suffering minds or weeping eyes. If Ecuadoran citizens wish to see their country shine, they must become the light that they want to see in their streets and homes; the time of waiting for others to show them the way is over.


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Like the previous Runes, Eihwaz speaks of possibilities, but it's much more strict with regards to the focus that the citizens must have about their collective goals. First of all, there can't be abundance, safety, tranquility and beauty if internal troubles aren't resolved, so the message directly calls for the raising of defenses against forceful impositions wherever they may come from. Ecuadorans must take and stand about what's happening in their territory and show a united front against crime from all sides. Hiding, attempting to flee confrontations or avoid conflicts hasn't worked before and won't work now, so the calling is to find and embrace the inner power of the national spirit, to refound the flag and the laws in a concerted movement similar to a Second Independence. The task that isn't tackled or is only half done leaves structural issues that cause shortcomings in the long term, so Ecuadorans have to make sure that they do things right this time in order to foment genuine development that can remain in time. Professional, political, social, economic and spiritual discipline are a priority and education fulfills a paramount role in this transit; the arts and crafts are paths of great value in this moment. Needles, pens and brushes surpass the guns. Ecuador requires the most honest determination for advancement and the greatest dedication toward the truth, for there are all kinds of attempts to distract and introduce noise in a critical period of change.

This has been the reading for Ecuador, wonderfully uplifting and hopeful in a moment of great strife for that nation. We could all take some of the messages of this reading to heart for our own countries as well. This is a crucial time for all of humanity and the more prepared and focused we can be, the better we'll be able to cape the storms that are still to come, and the more knowledge we'll extract even from harsh experiences.

Let me know what you think about this reading and remember that this service is open to anyone, individuals or groups. Thanks for stopping by!

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