Readings for the World - Spain

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Continuing my series of readings for various countries, this time I work on the situation of Spain, where a tremendous potential for conflict has been simmering for some time. From an energy standpoint, I've been paying attention to a few nations for quite some time and Spain is one of them. As you'll see in the reading, the greatest possibility for this country resides in its younger inhabitants.

Ehwaz inverted

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The paths and gates have begun to shut down and loyalties are being put into question. The evolution of a process is being stalled by forces bent on keeping their status to the detriment of any other actor, but the heart of Spain is changing and the flow of energy is transforming, feeding other areas of society thus far devoid of attention. The aspect of public transportation is especially noteworthy, for it's starting to show shortcomings in finances and fuel supply due to the poor management of people with great influence over State decisions. The European Community and the Spanish population must place greater focus on a camarilla of people with unwarranted power over the country's regency, specifically in matters of real estate, public works and roads. The emigration of Spanish talent to other nations due to the high cost of habitation increases in parallel to the immigration of displaced populations into the country, which inspires measures of restriction of human mobility and migration control, an growing trend in several regions of the plant which nevertheless will do nothing but subjecting governments to unexpected operational pressures. Additionally, Spain and other important European countries depend on imported resources, so the increasing difficulties in transportation and customs taxes begin to have an obvious impact on the economy. The challenge that the Spanish have to face are testing their territorial and emotional unity, giving way to the emergence of old radical movements of a separatist streak that were believed irrelevant or even non-existent. To prevent the consolidation of these groups, citizens will need to grow aware of the importance of opening the ways for cultural and commercial exchange.


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This Rune has been prominent in the readings that I've made for people I know who live in Spain. The message is always one of sociopolitical mayhem and it's associated with the transformation signaled by Ehwaz, a profound change of values in Spanish society that reveals the true will of its citizens and tests the authority of leader, as is the case of others nations. This process is intimately linked to the stress that the climate has been placing upon the nation's administrative operation and it calls for all inhabitants to grin and bear it, because the context will only intensify in the future, with warmer summers and colder winters, storms, floods and other circumstances that should ideally be faced by the united human conglomerate. The path toward this unity, however, is arduous, because the mightiest storm is the one brewing at the core of each family caused by an unrecognized past that has left indelible marks. Hagalaz summons deep failings up onto the surface, forcing the entire population to observe the transgression of their ancestors, the abuses committed by the monarchy against other peoples which demand acts of contrition and cleansing to allow for the necessary evolution. Amidst the political debacles between factions with diverging goals, clear voices constrained by pain rise above the noise in parliamentary and religious halls to ask the unpleasant questions and propose the difficult solutions, setting an example for all of Europe and the world. The Rune speaks of endurance and acceptance of the truth, of bitter drinks that heal the body and mind of the collective.


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The Spanish individuals, particularly in their school age, seek their own space and are increasingly willing to fight for it both figuratively and literally. Due of the conditions and circumstances explained by Ehwaz and Hagalaz, the level of social conflict is rising at an as of yet imperceptible rate, but they'll soon become more evident, a situation that certain subversive groups will want to exploit to their advantage. The most important part of this Rune's message, however, is the potential for progress that may come from the confrontational disposition caused by the myriad hardships that are disturbing Spanish citizens at various degrees of intensity depending on the regions that they inhabit. In view of the increasing climatic and financial pressures and, therefore, of State controls, each person and family feel that they have the right and the necessity to outline their territory, which may begin to cause strong clashes between neighbors and strangers, but will ultimately lead to the resolution of long-standing tensions and the release of great energy. The challenge for Spanish citizens in this context is to find the means to channel this release of energy and direct it in an efficient and creative manner so that it can be beneficial. Every society that seeks to rebuild itself must first destroy what was before and clear the rubble; Spain is primed for a profound reform of its systems and methods, a task that will require the attainment of new tools and the learning of new mechanisms, things that only the youth may provide.

This has been the reading for Spain. An aspect that I find noteworthy is that I clearly saw one specific man with decision-making capacity regarding transportation who has an astonishing amount of covert power in the country. I don't know who that is, but it's of great relevance that his identity and influence are made known to Spanish citizens soon, since his sway has been causing serious harm to society for quite some time. I hope it turns out to be informative and useful to anyone who comes across this publication. The coming reading will be for France. Thank you for stopping by!

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