My Hive Goals for 6 May 2024

Hello all! Another week and it’s time again to do another #myhivegoals post, a series idea started by started by @jongolson. This also doubles as my weekly progress report for #saturdaysavers, which is a fun little group that tries to motivate everyone to save and reach their goals. I’m going to look at the progress I’ve made on my Hive goals, as well as give a few tokens I’m looking at right now. If you are here for the comment SBI giveaway, well, we’ll get to that too.

Let’s start with my Hive goals.

Hive & HBD

My current goal is 35k Hive.

Last week I made 404.19, bringing me to 26642.65 total Hive Power. That’s 76.1% of my goal!

Math time. 35k - 26642.65 gives us 8357.35. Divided out by the days till the first of next year, we get 34.8 Hive needed per day to reach 35k by that point. I am happy with my progress here. While part of me was hoping for a mircule that would propell be to 35k already, I think I am doing pretty good all things considered. If I can continue to keep that daily average needed to around 35, then I have a fighting chance of making this goal!


Last week I bought and earned 0.326, which puts me at 530.56 total or 53.1% of my goal.

I made 466.42 PIMP last week, putting me at 77340.11 — 77.3% of my goal.

And finally, my CINE total is up to 94,571.579. I’m happy though… well, with the second two of those. I’m still not quite sure what to do about BRO. It’s too expensive to do more than continue to inch my way in.

Oh, I also bought 100 more SUB. Working my way up to 1000. Let’s see if I can get there. I want to own my 1% of the @stickupboys album!


The silver chart for last week:

And lookie here, it’s a 60th anniversary PInk Panther coin! This would be pretty sweet to get. If you think so too, get it here.


That stuff out of the way, let’s do our SBI drawing! If you are new here, I give away 5 shares of SBI every week to commenters on this post. If you also reblog and comment you get a second entry and double the award (if you win).

So how about this week? Let’s see… last post we had comments from @arc-echo @bitcoinman @dewabrata @djbravo @enginewitty @gduran [x2] @logen9f [x2] @lupega @mdasein @nabbas0786 [x2] @oadissin @oasiskp2 @ruffatotmeee [x2] @ryosai [x2] @silverd510 @stekene [x2] @vaynard86 @vikbuddy [x2] @vinzie1 [x2].

And the winners are…

@ruffatotmeee [x2] @mdasein @vinzie1 [x2] @dewabrata @vikbuddy [x2]!

Congratulations, everyone!

And forward we go! It was a strong week. Let’s see how this coming one goes!

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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