It is official... I have resigned from my shitty career of 9+ years

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My resignation is complete 🙅‍♂️✉️🗽

What a long and annoying process it has been. I can, at last, say that I am 100% removed from my former employment as a clerk with USPS. That job title sure doesn't sound pretty and I am happy as can be to finally have that position removed from bio. Just in case you haven't kept up with everything that happened to me since Thanksgiving, let's recap briefly.

It all started with my job sending me home because I refused to wear a mask. This just happened to be right when HIVE was pumping over $3 and at a new ATH. Let's just say my confidence was through the roof and I was finished being bossed around by idiots. More on how all of that went here @daltono/my-job-just-sent-me-home-from-work-because-i-refused-to-wear-a-mask.

I then had to deal with getting letter after letter in the mail basically telling me that I was a POS and a danger to my fellow employees. After everything I had done for them for nearly 10 years, they were quick to tell me that I was now inadequate. You can read about that here @daltono/an-update-on-the-status-of-my-8-year-career-with-usps.

Then they decided to take away my pay. They told me I couldn't come to work, but I also wouldn't be able to use the hundreds of hours of leave that I had earned over the years as a career employee. I guess they thought that I would bleed through my funds and come running back for a paycheck to survive. You can read this post to find out that I was doing just fine without their wages @daltono/i-lost-my-55k-yearly-salary-from-usps.

The last update I gave was when I was told that I was welcome back to work finally. They didn't really make it clear if the mask mandate had been dropped or not, but by this time, I was past the point of ever returning. It was laughable for them to believe I would ever want to work under their wing of incompetence again, as you can read here @daltono/my-job-seriously-thinks-that-i-want-to-come-back-to-work.

I spent the entire month of December burning through all of my sick leave since it wouldn't have been paid out once I finally quit. Sadly it seemed as though they didn't have the balls to actually fire me, so I was left with no other option but to just resign. As of January 10, 2022, I am no longer employed with USPS. It is 100% official. I just received my last paycheck and am now all on my own and loving it.

Luckily it was a very easy process. All I had to do was fill out this form and turn it in.


I felt so damn good walking out of that hell hole. They were in huge trouble that last day I was in there. It was Monday, the busiest day of the week. Normally a time when I'd have been working with one other person. A regular day through the week we were supposed to have 7 or 8 employees. Monday was always terrible and I felt like death after them.

It seems as though I am not the only person who no longer wished to work there. Most of my co-workers had been absent more than usual through the busiest month of December. This doesn't surprise me at all. I really hope that I was able to inspire at least one of them to quit as I did. Sadly, I think that they all are probably for-lifers.

I've now had about 2 months of being full-time with Hive. It has been such an amazing period of time. I am now able to wake up every single day and be genuinely excited to get started on creating content. My writing is getting better daily. I finally have the time to play video games and record lots of awesome videos for you all to watch. I am able to hit the gym and eat my meals whenever I feel like it, rather than adhering to a strict schedule thanks to a 40+ hour workweek. Everything is just so much better.

I am still very busy and often feel like I work harder than I did when I had that job with USPS, but this stuff is so much more rewarding and makes me happy to know that I am doing something that I believe in. I am so excited to see where the future leads for me. I am confident that switching up my career path will go down as one of my greatest decisions ever, but it will take time to fully realize if I made a wise decision or not. For now, things sure do seem awesome and I am beyond grateful for the opportunities that Hive and crypto, in general, have given me.


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