My job seriously thinks that I want to come back to work

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Are we still doing this❓

I really thought that I was finished talking about my old job with USPS. However, they have been sending me a bunch of nonsense in the mail over the last few weeks. I figured I'd do another post talking about what is new, it's honestly pretty hilarious at this point.

If you aren't up to speed with what has happened with my former employer, I'll provide a few quick links:

This is now the third week that I haven't been going to work at USPS. Life finally feels like I'm living it fully for the first time in years. I've been abundantly happy since no longer clocking in and out. My content has benefited from this new way of life. My loved ones get to see me more. I can go to the gym whenever I feel like it. Plus I'm generally just so much happier and my body is thanking me constantly for not standing around like a dumbass day after day.

It seems that my "punishment" is over 🀑

I have received five different letters in the mail since not working from November 26th until the present. Maybe I should rephrase that, I have received five unique letters. In total, I have received ten letters. For some reason, they sent me two and three copies of some of them, in separate envelopes. Not sure if they did that because they do not trust their own mail delivery system to get the documents to me, if they are stupid and don't realize they sent me so many, or if they are just following more bogus protocol. I assume it is the last one because USPS is filled with rules that make absolutely no sense.

Let's have a look at the first letter they sent me. Basically, this one just informs me that I will not be getting paid while they investigate. I have no idea what exactly they think they have to investigate, I was pretty clear with my stance. I'm done listening to their silly rules. It's quite comical how it says "You may be injurious to self or others". Seriously?


Letter number two is an official Letter of Warning. This type of thing is what scares the life out of most USPS workers. If this would have happened when I first started, I would be afraid too. Instead, I got a chuckle out of this. It is as if they think that I care that I don't fit into their mold any longer. I can't even believe that they took the time to mention loyalty at the end. These are the same group of people who were so quick to turn on me and leave me without my income right around Christmas. They know nothing of loyalty.


This next letter really annoyed me. By the time that I received this one, I was well past ever wanting to go back to that place to work ever again. They were wanting me to come in for yet another waste of time interview. Sure I can walk there in less than 5 minutes, but as productive as I have been since leaving, I didn't feel like giving them another minute of my time.


Luckily I got another letter a few days later telling me that the pre-disciplinary interview was canceled. I guess they are unable to make up their minds over there. I'm not sure if the mask mandate was redacted already or what. I honestly have no clue, nor do I care to find out.


To my surprise, I received one final letter. This one was to inform me that I would actually be paid for the second of the two weeks that I was not allowed to come to work. Emergency placement is unpaid, while admin leave is paid. They wanted me to come back to work Monday. Again I'm not sure if they were expecting me to just obey their mask nonsense since I went a week without pay and now need them, or if they just wanted me to go back to normal and no masks required anymore. Neither one of those things is happening though. I don't need USPS.


I do not plan on working another day with USPS ever again in my life. As of right now I'm just patiently waiting for my upgraded debit card to arrive so that I have a way to pay my bills and purchase essentials. My free card was deactivated when I ordered my Indigo. This has left me without a crypto debit card for a few weeks. Pretty annoying, but it should be here soon.

I plan to just burn through the last portion of my paid leave before I am out the door for good. Once I am good to go, I will walk over there and drop off all of my uniforms and let them know that I will never be back to work again. The funny thing is, I will still be over there at least monthly to purchase money orders to pay my rent. It will be pretty odd to be on the opposite side of the service counter.

I hope that my co-workers will be inspired to live their lives more, rather than hate me for leaving them to suffer. Of course, I have nothing against them and will be happy to have conversations with them when I do stop by. I have been working for years to get to this point, it is not like I'm quitting to go home and draw unemployment. I am grinding harder than I ever have with Hive. This is something that most people in my day-to-day life still just do not understand.


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