My job just sent me home from work because I refused to wear a mask

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I cannot comply any longer 🙅‍♂️

Earlier today I posted about how Hive is making me more money than my day job. Not even 8 hours later my job kicked me out of work because I refused to wear a mask. You can obviously see from the thumbnail image of this post that I work for USPS (United States Postal Service). I have been with the company as a clerk since April 20, 2013. It has been a long 8+ years, oftentimes I have been absolutely miserable at the place.

USPS was one of my only solid options for income in West Virginia when I first began my struggle with adulthood. I don't have connections anywhere in the world, I didn't get lucky with a high-paying job out of the gate, and I refuse to lie/cheat/steal my way to the top. There isn't much going on here in WV and $40-60,000 annually is considered pretty decent pay for the cost of living here. I have survived off of that income for nearly a decade now. It was always enough to get by, but never enough for me not to worry about my finances or live extravagantly.

You would think that after so many years of dedication towards a company, they would care about me, at least a little bit. That of course just is not the case. Today, the day after Thanksgiving and right when Christmas is about to be here, I was told that I had to leave work because I refused to wear a mask. Mind you there hasn't been anybody wearing masks in the building for around 6 months now. They are just all of a sudden demanding that employees obey again, eventually, I'm sure they may even do the same with vaccines.

Not this time 🚫

I don't want to get into a debate of whether or not masks do anything, the point is I do not wish to wear one. It ruins my ability to communicate and show expressions with my face and annoys my face tremendously, among other things. If freedom really is a thing in the USA, I should be able to make my own choices. Especially when nobody around me is feeling unsafe and asking me to wear a mask. It literally is just upper management trying to micromanage a place they will never come to. Plus many of the smaller post offices without supervisors/cameras are getting away with not wearing masks daily. It is an unbalanced treatment and somebody had to stand up against the tyrants. In swoops @daltono.

I obeyed at the beginning of this year when nobody really knew what was going on. It hurt my soul, but I reluctantly did it. I may be stubborn, but I do care for others, so I begrudgingly wore a mask for months despite being angry about it every day. At present time I now know that there is more to this than just a massive new sickness here to annihilate the world.

Live your life 🌃

At this very moment right outside of my window, there is a giant outdoor Christmas party happening downtown in my city. Everyone is walking around having a great time, nobody is in danger, and of course, less than 5% of people are wearing masks. It makes me happy to see people out there finally living their lives again, but I think they could easily be manipulated into barricading up in their homes once more. This is a farce and I cannot play along anymore. It is killing me mentally to blindly accept being told what to do.

I'm sure my co-workers partially hate me for leaving them to deal with all of the work, but this is much bigger to me. I care about them, as we go through the same struggles together each day at work. For them, they have no option but to say yes to anything they are told since they cannot survive without their paychecks. I wish we all had financial freedom, but it is not something that comes without great sacrifice.

Whether or not I get a rule changed or lose my job isn't the point to me. Deep within my soul, I am doing what feels right to me and it eases my mind. I'm not on this Earth to follow strict rules and live an unhappy life for somebody else's benefit. I am blessed with this human form to enjoy life on earth and find true happiness day in and out, no matter the obstacles.

Your loss, not mine 🤬

Customers love seeing my face and I legit do my best to make people's day. I genuinely enjoy making old grandmas smile for the first time all week. I am a godsend when it comes to calming down people when they freak out. I am good at this shitty job. I show up 5 days a week and dedicate 9 hours of each of those days to work. I may not be passionate about my job, but I definitely still go above and beyond what I am supposed to do. I am not a half-asser.

Yet here I am, sitting at home on my computer wondering whether or not I will be quitting my job soon thanks to my newfound wealth in crypto. Or if I will be fired for refusing to be mindless chattel before I can even hand in my two weeks notice. This is clear proof to me that they just do not care about me at work. I already knew that I could easily be replaced, no matter how good I am at what I do. I just ignored it for so long and have been thankful for the little bit of money that they let me have every two weeks. There are no rewards for being skilled at my job, all you have to do is show up and things will somehow work out. It is a total waste of my potential, but I have felt trapped there for so long.

An uncertain future 🔮

I really am not sure what the results of my actions today will be. I was told to go home today and show back up Monday morning to discuss what the next step is. All of the bigwigs were off of work today, so my supervisor really had no clue what to do. I'm pretty sure there hasn't been another local USPS employee who had big enough balls to say no and stand firm with that decision. I have to thank Hive for giving me the courage to stand up for what I believe in. If I didn't have a shit ton of money saved up, I probably wouldn't have done this. I surely look insane to everyone there and I can only imagine what they all will say to one another. They most likely assume I will come scrambling back begging for my paycheck, but I just refuse to let my dignity take that massive blow.

I can only see this playing out in a small number of ways.

  1. They ask me to come back to work and back off of the masks since it is the busiest time of the year for mail/shipping and they are desperate for staff.
  2. They proceed to terminate me from my position.
  3. Some higher-up attempts to intimidate me into obeying their order on Monday.
  4. I continue to stay at home and get paid until all of my annual/sick leave runs out. I have 19 days of total leave left.
  5. This is a continuation of #4. I am off of work for many months without getting fired and am brought back and given back pay thanks to our union finding a way to prove that what the USPS is doing is not tolerable.

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Instead of worrying about what is going to happen, I've gone right back to where my real passion lies... HIVE!

I feel like something is pushing me out of the door at my job at this point. Is this my sign that now is finally the time to say goodbye to USPS? Or am I doomed and making the worst mistake of my life? I have a really big feeling that Hive has a much brighter future than USPS. Then again there can't be any way that I know the answer, seeing as I am nothing but a mindless drone who will obey any and every order given to me by my superiors at USPS 😉


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