Are you a Criminal? Mr. X and the Taxman, an Imagined Story

In this post and subsequent comments regarding mining Pi and in particular regarding anonymity, @gabbynhice asked 2 questions of @savvyplayer.

Is it that much important? Or are you a criminal?

This post is part of my response (as @savvyplayer invited me to comment). The first part of my response is in a comment here. The second part of my response is below:

Let us imagine a story ...

i keep imagining.JPG
Image Source - My NFT Showroom gallery, a part of my NFT Showroom collection.

Mr. X and the Taxman, an Imagined Story

Mr X invests in and mines a cryptocurrency. Over a couple of years he accumulates 1,000,000 of these coins.
Two years later there was a sudden spike in the price of said coin, in part due to some Elon Musk & WallStreetBets twitter/reddit memes and discussions, but mostly due to the extremely good use cases for the coin he bought and the passionate community of owners supporting it.

Mr X had anticipated the possibility of huge price gains on the particular cryptocurrency he bought, therefore, for some reasons mentioned below, he chose to remain anonymous when buying this cryptocurrency. A couple of years ago a friend had suggested to him that he mine Pi, but as Pi required KYC (know your customer), he chose not to do so, instead, after diligent research he decided to invest in and mine $HIVE instead.

Now Mr X had a plan. His plan included waiting until the price of HIVE (the #crytocurrenvy he had invested in) reached $100 and then to sell them all, so he set a bot to sell his HIVE holdings on Binance if the price per HIVE reached $100. Fortunately for him #Binance didn't act in time to throttle the speed at which bots could transact in this particular case (which i've heard they sometimes do to manipulate prices for their own advantage), and his bot successfully exchanged his 1 million HIVE for $100 million of a stable coin. The cost of his buying and mining the HIVE (including tax deductible expenses such as depreciation on mining hardware and electricity costs) was only $100,000 over the 2 years he had been buying and mining, so this left him with a profit of $99.9 million USD. Mr criminal taxman somehow gets wind of this and wishes for Mr X to pay approximately 35 million USD in capital gains tax.

Fortunately Mr X was aware of the criminal activities of the taxman who attempts to extort funds with violence from those who give agreement to their jurisdiction/right to collect taxes.

Mr X estimated that approximately 80% of taxes collected were used to make fat cats rich and violently enslave humanity in many means including brainwashing-education, food industry, Big Pharma/Big Med (especially vaccinations a cancer treatment), armed forces, chemtrails, the COVID-19 story, Big media and so much more!

Perhaps by his decision to remain anonymous and not pay taxes to Mr Criminal Taxman, Mr X saved the lives of thousands of his innocent brothers and sisters in a war-torn country which Mr Criminal Taxman was planning to carpet bomb using Mr X's tax payment for funding.

Mr X thought that if he identified himself and therefore had to pay $35 million to Mr Criminal Taxman, he would be supporting the violent crimes on humanity and indeed on the planet itself.

Mr. X instead used his $99 million dollars to fund a not for profit community owned organisation (but not registered as such). One of the ventures of this new organisation was the opening and running of 99 Holistic Living Centres around the world, where organic food was grown in abundance and natural healing modalities (such as water fasting, colon cleansing, Chlorine Dioxide therapy, urine therapy and many other virtually free yet highly effective treatments), were freely given to people in need along with truthful education.

Over the following five years approximately 10 million lives of starving and diseased people were saved as a result of by Mr X's Holistic Living Center Network.

Mr X stated that the huge success of the People Owned Altruitic organisation he created, was in big part due to the use of an extremely efficient and equitable Community Consensus & Voting System, which within another 2 years had virtually done away with the need for the many criminal government organisations, especially Mr Criminal Taxman.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End (new beginning).

To learn more about a Community Consensus & Voting System which appears to bear much resemblance to the one mentioned in the above Imagined Story, click through to this page to learn how to help imagine in a new abundant and peaceful story for humanity.


Ps. If you choose to buy, by Hive's next birthday on 20th March 2022, either or both of the two pieces of art (minted by @difelice5000 and @evacortez) which i am re-selling in My NFT Showroom gallery, i will donate 90% of the profits to the Hive Community Voting Community

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