X Blue Metrics Report: All Stats Except 1 Are Up (Hooray!)

This is nice to see: The 7-day metrics for my X Blue account are all up, except for one. Engagement has gone down from last week's 7.8 percent to 5.7 percent.

I think this might be a lot like economic activity. The Fed tinkers with interest rates and there's usually not an immediate macroeconomic response, but after a delay of some time, we'll start to see how it affects the economy. Over Thanksgiving week, my content posting went down. I wasn't as engaged, but the effect of that lower engagement on my part wasn't realized the week after. We're seeing it now.

It is nice, however, to see an increase in impressions (256 percent), profile visits (200 percent), link clicks (400 percent), and new followers (367 percent). In fact, I gained 28 new followers in the last seven days. I believe that's a new record for me.

All other metrics are up, as well. Media views bounced 5,367 percent in seven days.

At this point, I'm most happy about the new followers I've gained in the last week. That puts me at 299 total followers. As you know, without followers, nothing else matters. It's the number of followers that determines everything else in the attention economy, but that is affected by the quality and consistency of the content activity. I'm making every effort to ensure that my X content is the highest quality and that I'm being consistent with my posting.

Let's see what else we can learn about the last seven days.

My X Blue Metrics Over the Past Week

Interestingly, impressions over the past seven days have been pretty decent. 8.1 thousand impressions, according to the following graph.

The best day was November 29. On that day, my content saw 2,811 organic impressions. The next best day was November 28 when I saw 1,601 organic impressions. And on December 1, I saw 1,389 organic impressions. Impressions tapered off over the weekend.

It's easy to see why my weekend activity doesn't see the same number of impressions as my content Tuesday through Thursday. I tend not to post as much on weekends.

Engagements show a 5.8 percent rate over the week, but yesterday's engagement was a solid 12.3 percent.

Link clicks averaged 4 per day over the 7-day period. Interestingly, two days stand out as considerably above the rest. On December 1, I had 14 link clicks and, on December 3, I saw 13 link clicks. Funny how those two days bring up the average for the whole week.

Retweets without comments also show an uptick for the 7-day period. An average of two per day. On December 1, there were four. On November 29, there were three.

Likes hit a whopping 22 per day on average. The standout days were November 29 with 47 likes and November 28 with 28 likes.

At 10 replies per day on average, standout days included December 3 and November 29. Those days saw 20 and 19 replies, respectively. I could feel it yesterday. I was a busy man.

Aggregate stats for these metrics over the course of the 7-day period ending today look like this:

  • Engagement rate = 5.8 percent
  • Link clicks = 30
  • Retweets without comments = 13
  • Likes = 155
  • Replies = 71

Overall, that's not a bad week!

Top Tweets Over the Past 7 Days

Now, let's look at the individual tweets that have attracted all this attention.

The top three tweets this past week for impressions garnered 1,312; 890; and 214 impressions each, respectively.

These are the three tweets with the most impressions over the last seven days:

  1. A post on Adimverse, published December 1 - I'll be honest, the engagement and impressions received on this tweet make me want to post on Adimverse more often. This tweet actually links to a newsletter/blog post and was reposted four times, which undoubtedly increased its impression count.
  2. A post about Hive's popularity in the Philippines - This was a short tweet with a video upload. With considerable engagement, this video is largely responsible for the huge increase in media views this past week. It was published on November 28.
  3. A long post about selling books at Kroger - Also published on November 28, this post received a fair number of comments.

While the above posts were the top three posts for impressions, the following three posts were the top three posts for engagement.

  1. The Adimverse post received the highest number of engagements at 69
  2. The Hive in the Philippines post received the second highest number of engagements at 33
  3. A post published yesterday regarding a newsletter issue saw the third most engagements at 27

The posts with the highest engagement rate include:

  1. The above post regarding the newsletter issue, which received 105 impressions and 29 total engagements. That posts engagement rate was 26.5 percent.

  1. The post with the second highest engagement rate was a post sharing metrics on Hive earnings with a link to a Peakd post written by @dalz. The tweet saw 39 impressions and 10 total engagements with a 25.6 percent engagement rate.

  1. The third highest engagement rate among all posts this past seven days was 22.2 percent, for a retweet of a meme showcasing writing advice from Stephen King. Among 18 impressions, it saw 4 total engagements.

And that concludes this week's X Blue Metric Report. I hope it enlightened you as much as it enlightened me.

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