Imminent Arrival (2023)

Sci-Fi Short Film Imminent Arrival DUST.mp4_snapshot_00.47.749.jpg

Of all ‘Invasion movies’, this must be the funniest one. Congratulations to the team that made it 😂😂😂

“Imminent Arrival” by Justin Kruse

Connect with the Filmmakers: / emptycanfilms TwitterLinkedin

More About “Imminent Arrival”:
Richard James, AKA “Reaper Rick,” is a simple Red-blooded, paranoid, country man. His long history of Military Service has taught him to never trust the government, pushing him to live out his days in the country, off of the grid. Other than his religious viewership of his favorite cable news network, his only other connection to the outside world is through his good buddy, “Squinty Joe,” who he only keeps in contact through HAM Radio. The two of them engage daily about the latest wild conspiracy theories, further exacerbating and shaping their views on the world. The two are constantly trying to one-up each other, bragging about who has the latest gear or best doomsday prep. In their minds, the apocalypse is right around the corner so it only makes sense to have a solid plan. In this Sci-fi Dramedy short film, we follow a day in the life of Rick as his intense paranoia becomes a reality during one of the strangest days of his life!

Justin Kruse

Quddus Ajimine

James MacDonald
Kelby Ray Carter III

“Imminent Arrival” at YouTube. Duration: 19:36

“Imminent Arrival” at Bastyon. Duration: 19:36


Have a nice…

Oh, wait, there’s a storm outside and I have to close the windows. And somebody is ringing at my doors…

Identify yourself!

* * *

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